Wednesday, July 27, 2011

37 Week: Getting Closer...

This week was another appointment. On Monday I went in to see Dr. Mallory again for the second time so far this pregnancy. The nurse asked me if I wanted him to "check," I passed. maybe next week Ill have them check to see if anything is going on down there.

My blood pressure measured a little elevated, the exact amount of elevation as the previous week. He checked for signs of swelling and other symptoms or preeclampsia but saw none, so sent me to get a blood test for safe measure. Better safe than sorry in my book.

I am .2 lbs shy of the 200 lb mark! Oh jeeze. The doctor was telling me to not be disappointed if i saw my due date come and go. He also mentioned how nice and big he is measuring in there and that he thinks its definitely going to be an 8.5 lb baby at least. Which I knew. Come on. I'm 5'10" and was a big baby, Michael is taller and a big baby. We cannot make a small baby.

BUT I will tell you this much. I am going to do everything in my power to not see my due date come and go. I figure starting next week I'll bump on the activity. After that start eating some pineapple, spicy food and maybe some whoopie?? Maybe other things too people have told me can induce labor. As long as the car/Michael is close to whisk me away to the hospital.

Other than that pregnancy is all around extremely uncomfortable. He has never simmered down movement wise. I have to go to the restroom every few hours in the night, then when I try to get up my hips protest...

Other than that its a big waiting game :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 36: Droppage

Another month down! Im in the 9 month range already. This had been both the longest and shortest developement in my life.

Went to the dock this morning. Had a strep culture done (HELLO!) and just a normal check-up other than that. My measurements, his heartbeat and position are all right on track. If you look at my picture you can kind of see he has dropped. I noticed this because my heartburn has lessened, I no longer get it all day. All my upper organs are getting a the morning. In the afternoon/evening he stretches himself right out and gives me killer heartburn and wedges himself between my hips and ribs so that I can not find a comfortable position that doesnt involve me stretching my arms above my head.

I am getting so heavy and so big that nothing I do can be considered graceful and/or sexy. Thats not even mentioning the noises and grunts i make to try to move myself. So I think the kudos should go to Michael at this point because though i may crawl and say "mooo" (i do do this) he has been nothing but supportive and actually manages to make me feel not as large. (though Ive seen the pictures! the jig is up!!) I am clearly huge. HUGE!

One more thing...Next week is considered full-term. So, I could actually have a completely healthy, fully cooked baby next week. You know...I love this child and Im looking forward to his arrival and being able to share life and this world with him...but I am WAY OVER sharing my body. Come on now. Right now, you know what he is doing? protruding out my side. Who does that?? My belly looks so lopsided and strange.

Another sexy addition to my story: aches and pains. My feet swell (though apparently not as bad as they could), so thats fun. Him protruding in, out and around my organs feel just like how you would think that would feel. Like someone is trying to slowly push your lung out your back. I have what feels like period cramps on and off (right now: ON), back pains and shooting pains which are just my body preparing and him headbutting me. The ladies (boobies) are preparing to be functioning machines, back to the perky phase because of the hormones (small victories), though that just means that they are preparing to do their job. Which still slightly freaks me out. Still have breast-feeding dreams but at least I am breast-feeding MY child in them now and not someone elses.

Im going to the doctor every week now. Next appointment is next monday. I have 3 before my due date. Hopefully he is here before then. The lease is officially signed for the Ferndale Apartment. Move in is August 1st. Which is a monday and would be on an appointment day. Though how much moving am I really capable of. I have a hard time moving my body let alone my stuff. So we'll see how that goes. Aaaaaand...OH! The Doctor I am not a fan leaving the office in a few days. For good. I no longer have to feel mean by requesting anyone but her :)

Week 36: Belly Pics - I thought I was large before....think WHALE.

Week 36: 
Where is my tattoo?? 
AND Say hello to my little friends (stretch marks)
...also belly button?


Week 32:

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 35: 5 weeks left!

5 weeks left till D-day!!

I found out today I got the apartment in Ferndale that was perfect. Its a 2 bedroom, a very good size, lots of large windows and my 3 main wants: dishwasher, washer and dryer!

The baby is really really active. I keep waiting for him to simmer down because of his size like everyone warns me about, but he is just moving my belly MORE! I feel like a balloon that someone is stretching out before inflating.

Next week is my next appointment so I dont have to wait that much longer for my next update. I just checked my pregnancy website to see if they had an interesting update for me - but no, same old same old. Baby is packing on pounds, etc. it did mention the fact that his nails are growing which is kind of fun. I was reading in my preggo friends baby book that his bones are becoming firmer but there is still a lot of cartilage for his travel through the birth canal.

I guess a new thing to note is all the aches and pain! I have seen pregnant women my entire life but BEING one is a whole different story. Its always hot in my world, my hips feel like they are being pulled in 2 separate directions and Ill get random jabs of pain that put me in my tracks, but quickly vanish. Half the day I have ankles and the other half the day I have squishy appendages. The doctor was saying how I should be thankful that even when they are swollen at least I still have ankles.

Next week will be a belly photo and another doc update.

Week 34: The appointment

This update is a week late!! I am so sorry...its getting harder and harder as it gets closer and closer to get the these updates out. The anticipation!

My favorite website is beginning to sound really repetitive and not giving me much more information but luckily I am now getting really close to my doctors office.

This week was my first 2 week appointment. My last appt they told me I gained almost 15 lbs and it had me really worried and why it would jump that high. Well this appointment I am 6 pounds lighter. So a jump but not as big of a jump as we thought. Maybe it was what I was wearing or drinking (or the scale was trying to pull a fast one.)

It was my first visit with one of the male doctors. Dr. Mallory. I really really liked him. He made me feel so comfortable asking questions. I asked what changes happen to my body after childbirth, and told him to give me the guys opinion. Im not going to go into detail here, but it was a humorous and uplifting discussion to say the least.

Ill wait to give the next belly picture till a full month after the last one. So after my appointment in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 33: 7 weeks is to go

Its been harder and harder to write on my blog because the weeks are going by so fast.

Right now the baby is in there hiccuping, followed by a little baby earthquake - where my whole stomach moes and shifts. They say the baby should start lessening movements because he is getting bigger. Au Contrer world, his movements are just more defined and I can feel his little hard body under the surface of my skin. If he's not moving I'll give him a little baby massage and get him moving - which he probably dislikes, or likes A LOT.

This is an exciting week because his lungs are almost fully mature so that if he were to be born he'd need a little help from the NICU but otherwise OK. Also he is 17.5 inches long and is pushing 5 lbs. yeah. Human Being in there.

There have been topics me and Michael have talked about. Major doozies if I say so, like: circumcision. I think that Michael is going to take the lead on this one. Its kind of weird talking about it with the world, but its a discussion me and him have had and I think since he is the one with the body part in question, he can decide what to do with his mini's man part. If in the future he has a question wondering why things were done/or not done to his no-no bits I could just point and his Dad and say "Ask him."

Ive also thought about the whole hospital situation. It happens when you get far along, especially when it can happen just a month from now. I want 2 people (other than the Doc and nurses) in my room with me. My mom, who will act as my coachy-woach and Michael who I can vent on/at? Noooooo I would never do that. Right?

Ive made rules. Like if it is happening all to plan like natural delivery is possible and happening, no one other than the docs can be down theeeeeere till the moment he is born. Im going to try to hold off on pain killers as long as I can. So that labor progresses naturally as much as possibly, then when I cant stand it any more then I'll get an epidural. Other than that, Im just going to take it as it comes. I didnt really want to do any of the birthing classes because my brain isnt going to think about that, so I figured I can just put all the pressure on my Mom to know whats going on (fair, right?) and how to calm me down. I think those thought are going to go right our of my head with every contraction.

Tuesday next week is my next appt.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week 32: Appt Update

So...this past week I have seen the arrival of something new. Something that I find very un-nice and I would even go as far as calling them jerks...thats right. STRETCH MARKS. They are THERE where I cant see them. Literally. I cant see them, Michael pointed them out. They are on the underside of my HUGE belly. Those sneaky jerks.

Update of my appointment! I saw a new doctor, like Im suppose to, and she was amazing and I really enjoyed my brief appointment. My belly measured the EXACT measurement a 32 week belly is suppose to be. My heart rate, babies heart rate was spot on. I gained almost 15 POUNDS! 15 POUNDS!! I was feeling huge, I guess now I know I wasnt making it up. The doctor said that that was no cause for alarm, that most women have a huge leap between there 28 and 32 week appointment. Lots of it is water weight and weight gain will simmer down again. Jeeze louise.The doctor also said he was in the head down position. So again, where he needs to be. I love when I can trust what doctors are saying.

Baby is unbelievable active. I go out in public and hope that people dont get distracted by my moving belly - it is THAT noticeable. All he's doing right now really is getting heartier and bigger (as my weight gain will prove). Whenever I start thinking "baby why arent you moving??" he'll kick me in the lung or get the constant, suttle hiccups. There is a mysterious ticking noise that is coming from belly every once in a while and it is apparently a fluid bubble that is popping/displacing with his movements and position. Really odd, but not too uncommon I guess.From here on out I wont get as big non-baby wise, but he will be continuing to grow so he is going to become more restricted. I will have to rely more on the hiccups whenever I become nervous.

My appointments are now coming twice as fast. I have one is just under 2 weeks from now! Time is getting soooo much clooooser. Starting to get more nervous about the whole giving birth thing but excited for the next phase to begin.

I am looking for apartments right now. I found a couple amazing options in Ferndale that I am stalking. I want to nest and be comfortable so that when baby is here a) he has his own space and b) its just me and my little family...and cats. Love my kitties.

Week 32: Belly pics! Large and IN CHARGE!!

Again...another month - another belly pic. I wish I could write letters to my pre-week 16 body, and tell it how much I think it's sexy and how one day we should go and be good looking on a beach together. Or perhaps go shopping for something fitting and Victoria Secret or any other store that doesnt accomidate to pregnant people.

Here she is: Glorious week 32:

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16: 

Monday, June 13, 2011


A lot has happened this week. A lot of excitement.

To give you the quick baby update, he is going to be gaining at least 1/2-lb a week from here on out preparing for his conquerage of this world. At this point he has full functioning 5 senses, and his organs are functioning...minues the lungs. His lungs still need a bit of baking to be fully functioning themselves. He spends all his day in there kicking me. Which brings me to my next point...


The baby-q came and left in a big hurricane of excitment. Special thanks to Bianca and Steph for throwing an awesome shower. The games were so much fun. The one thing I wanted was a 'Decorate a Onesie' game, so I now have 20ish friend/family designed onsies which are ridiculously cute. I also need to thank my parents for getting NUMEROUS projects done on the house to get it fabulously presentable for the party, which included gluing burlap on the wall, painting a double heighth wall and putting natural stone on a double heighth fireplace - no big deal. Now that its over I feel like im on vacation, Im not running (wabbling) around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Its so strange to think that next week is my 8 month appt already! Another belly pic. Another full month closer to d-day.

All in all it was amazing being able to share things with my most special family and friends. Camden (the name we chose) recieved so many awesomely cute gifts and even I recieved some amazing gifts that will come in handy (lots of boob stuff....thanks Bev ;-)) I already put together some of the bigger things because I couldnt contain myself. I wish I had a baby to put in all them right now. Anybody have one I can babysit and put in all these cool new things?? Jeffie is not participating - in fact he is laying like a big black kitty sausage next to me on the couch, youd think he's enjoy a soothing musical swing...

 Such a cool swing...


 "I love Grandma most" You say??

 There are a variety of sizes too! From newborn on up...

 Peace sign from Bev and Haley, of course. Personalized Onesies....A TUXEDO!

 I did not realise I knew such talented artists!!!

 More cuteness...

Some of the more creative writings...of course from Steph, Sam and Seth.

Cant wait to start using all the new stuff! I may never have to buy a onesie.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 30: My (They referred to growth this week as a Yorkie Terrier....meh, i'll pass on that one)

Week 30!!

Baby growth wise nothing too exciting happens between this and last week when it comes to size. He is the same size but his brain has changed quite a bit. Now it has wrinkles and folds in it. Which is exciting. I guess he hangs out all day in there with his eyes wide open. I try giving him some excitement by putting my hands on and off my stomach - baby strobe light. He has been extremely active in there, but he is definintely putting pressure on some vital orgains of mine. I now rely on a body pillow to get comfortable at night.


The Babyque is this sunday. We are getting the house ready for all the company. Ive recieved quite a few RSVP's and quite a few non-rsvps, generally from the people you expect to be there. So it should be really fun :) Im starting to amass some baby things. I got 2 boxes full of baby clothes shipped from my Aunt and Uncle in Florida. Which is aaawesome. I have a feeling I'll be in a lot better shape after this Sunday. At lease when it comes to my nesting instincts. Ive been watching the show Hoarders a basically I have the urge to get rid of most my possessions.

I have a feeling next weeks post is going to be a lot more exciting :) With all the news from the showa!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 29: My Loaf of Bread!


I have never felt this pregnant IN MY LIFE! Which isnt saying much, I know. This morning I went to a networking group meeting and one of the members of the group was like 'I know I havent seen you in a while, but WHOA! You got a bump.' Yes, I have a huge bump, no doubt now. Though. I would like to say that making it to 7 months without being massively pregnant is pretty darn good.

I have the pregnancy waddle down. Slight swelling every once in a while, mainly in my feet. HOLY HEARTBURN, BATMAN! I thought it was bad before, its unbearable now.

What baby is up to? One boy dance party going on in my womb at all times! But its no longer anywhere near the sweet little pulse kicks, its full on steamroller and you can SEE it occuring. The fun/cool new developement is how he is getting bigger at a faster rate than I am so not only can I feel him move, when I touch my stomach I can feel him through my skin. A firm mass of awesome baby. Today was the first day I could identify hiccuping. It feels like a pulse. I call him 'the creature' because of how big and active he is getting in there. Which makes me more and more excited to see him...

Developement wise they say he is at the 3 lb 15 inch mark. I dont remember what he was at last week according to my website, but I bet he is even a little bigger than what the site says he should be. His brain now controls his breathing and blood temperature, which is way way nice. I know he is happy and healthy in there but I still worry for him so it is heartening knowing that if he was born TODAY he has a 9 out of 10 chance of surviving. Good odds, though I doubt he has any interest leaving the comfort of me any time soon judging my how comfortable he makes himself all the time.

THE WORLDS BEST STROLLER!! Oh my goodness, I thought I was ridiculously excited about my car seat...but that was before Grandma Jean (she sounds kinda southern with her title connected to her name) told me she found me the ultimate present/stroller. The heavens opened and the clouds parted. Take a look at this:

untz untz untz untz...My baby is going to be riding is STYLE! Its nice too because it has one hand take down/set up too. It compacts itself very well and the wheels can even easily come off for even smaller storage. So awesome. I had to stop myself from sitting in it multiple times, my brain and my body are cleary not on the same pages.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 28: My 7th Month Appt: My Cinnamon-Sugar Churro

This morning was my 7th month/28 weeks checkup. Before this appointment occured they gave me a mini pop bottle of a concentrated glucose drink (think sugary orange soda) which I had to drink. An hour after take a blood test that tested for infant diabetes/prenatal diabetes and iron. Well....passed both with flying colors. I never really had any doubt but it still feels good knowing that things are coming right along.

The actual appointment was as short and normal as possible. The doc I had was one that isnt really a sharer. By that I mean she does the measurements, listens to the heart beat but doesnt tell me what the conclusions are. Shes nice enough but happens to be my least favorite doc so far and they keep scheduling me with I think its about time to switch and say loud and clear its time to see some of the other docs like the original plan.

Other than that I gained 3-4 lbs this time versus the 7-8 lbs of the past couple months. I dont feel chubby anymore at all, just pregnant. Still no stretch marks, because of the moisturizing routine, but my skin is stretching which apparently translates to itchy. So if you are looking at my 28 week belly picture the red marks, if you can see them, are from me scratching. Back and pelvis are starting to become sore, I asked the doc about it and she said its from the tendons and ligaments stretching and bones adjusting. She also said the baby was sitting breech and since she isnt a talker she decided not to elaborate - which isnt a big deal since I know what it means and she says that since I still have a couple months left its not a big deal yet. I really need a different doctor.

oh baby baby!

He is now 15 inches long and almost 3 pounds! I believe it because he is definitely throwing that weight around. The doctor gave me info on tracking movements (I dont think she understood when I said he was really active and Im definitely not worried about it) to make sure i get 10 movements in a 2 hour period...yeah I get 10 movements in a 5 minute period.  Now I feel them in the morning too when Im laying in bed...maybe thats why I've been waking up early, hes waking me up (in a nice way).

Other than that developement this week is eye based. He now has an eye color, though its not set in stone till month 9 of his life. If you think about it though, Mom has blue eyes and Dad has really blue eyes. So....Im putting my money on blue. I am now taking bets on hair color though. Dad has brown, I now have reddish blonde and most my life I was blonde. This week REM starts during his sleep cycles and his eyes can now partially open. Woohoo he can now see the womb...and more womb.

My RSVPs are beginning to trickle in for my baby shower! :) Its on June 12th so Ill update before then as well.

Week 28: Belly Pics!

Another month, another belly pic. Take a look. I dont think it will ever get old seeing my body morph...every month I am more amazed at whats going on. My belly button....enough said.

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 27: My Roast

3D Pregnancy told me my baby is the size of a Roast this week - very fitting.

I got to see Lacey over the weekend! I was so happy to see her that when I got there and she was like 'Look around the corner!' I didnt know what to expect. A MINI BABY SHOWER!!It was amazing. Lacey is one of my BEST friends and her, her amazing mom, Stacee (who just moved to Wa) and Kacie really did something amazing for me and made me feel so special. So now Im loaded up with the cutest onesies, blankets, wash rags, baby safety kits, and SO MUCH MORE! Im going to have to get her to send me the pics so I can post them on here. Those ladies are so amazing and I am so happy that they are in my life even if they are in TEXAS!

My body wise. I feel HUGE. Its not just size wise, but I feel it in my bones. Mainly my lower back and hips. I get out and go for at least a walk everyday but at night as soon as I rest I am down for the count...and he kicks me the entire time. Out of love, Im sure.

My belly is a basketball. Shalyn (my pregnancy buddy) today was like 'try to find your ribs'...I couldnt. Its such a strange feeling to not be able to suck in your stomach, and to not be able to feel your ribs. The good thing about it is how clear it is that there is someone growing in there...

His developement: If he were born today he has around an 85% chance of surviving. Its a nice thought just to know that we are getting closer and closer to safety and my mommy instincts love that. He is 14.5 inches long and 2 lbs so hes getting there. Now bring on some more! The only other notable thing is that if your baby is a boy (affirmative) his testes drop this week. Make momma proud.

MY BABY-Q INVITES!!! Have gone out in the mail thanks to the amazing Steph and Bianca. I sent them to people near and far. So if you havent gotten one maybe I didnt get your address right. June 12th is the date at my parents house. Its a man friendly event so feel free to bring your significant other or whatever. Its more barbeque than traditional baby shower.

Next TUESDAY is my 7 month checkup. Prepare yourself for some of this amazing body.

P.s. Ive upped my game on the Bio-Oil application. So no stretch marks :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 26: My Little Burp Cloth? (Yeah...thats kinda strange)

Week 26! Time is flying! I can hardly believe it, other than the belly getting nice and round.

Mothers Day was yesterday and it still doesnt seem quite real that I am a mother. Its nice to know its a pretty celebrated day. Flower stores were so crazy and everyone was thinking about their moms. I got my mom a Grandma card :) hehehe....

Pregnancy this week: He is so active! Its no longer is just a little kick I feel on the inside. My whole belly moves like the ocean and its always more intense in the evening so I watch 'The Baby Show' which is just my belly morphing and pulsing.

Baby developement. Ive heard some websites say he's 2 pounds, some say he's less. He is 14 inches long from head to heel. My fav go-to pregnancy site is getting less and less creative and informative because for the most part developement is finished, now its just growing. This week according to the site the baby's retinas are done developing and his lungs are developed to the point where they could possibly function on their own out of the womb right now. Which is nice to know. Being pregnant you always worry that everything is going ok, and baby is happy and healthy in there so now I know he is pretty darn developed and the kicks always help as well. But they are only 2 lb baby kicks! I cant imagine what they are going to be like when he is 4, 6 and 8 POUNDS!! My bones are becoming sore. The extra weight on your joints is definitely taxing. My belly is stretched pretty firm, if i get up weird, or stretch oddly it feels almost like a side ache in your belly area.

My baby dream:
So this weekend I ate some skittles, drank powerade and went to bed. I dreamt that I had the baby right now at 26 weeks, but he was the size and activeness of a 4 month old and I was trying to breastfeed him because it was the first and foremost thing I had to do! Well one of my boobs wasnt even working, and by the time I figured things out he changed into a little black frisky kitten that I was trying to keep Luna (my cat) away from.

I dont have baby dreams often, but when I do they are pretty awesome :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A couple things I cant hold back...

Yesterday...for the first time in my pregnancy...a stranger asked when I was due!!! So I officially have the pregnancy body. Which feels like a right of passage. Thats right...thats my baby. In there.

I took a tour of St. Joes Chilbirth Center. It just makes it all feel very real and VERY scary. Though, I have to say they have very nice pregnancy digs. All the rooms are private and each of the rooms has an extra bed for your support person. They really cater to each individual mother. It was also nice to go through the entire chilbirth process and what to expect.


From the day I found out Recaro made babyseats I wanted one - to match the seats in my car. The day has finally come and I BOUGHT ONE! WOOOHOOOO! No, Im not going to strap it in my car right now....though I would totally do that. 3 months is a little unexcusable. 

Jeffie definitely approved of the color. Hes my big black baby.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 25: MY BIRTHDAY!!

So...TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!! Its strange how life goes on the back burner when a baby comes into the picture. Im so focused on August and whats going on inside that my birthday just roared up on me! Its the big 2-3!! How my life has been going I never imagined myself to be pregnant and 23, but hey! get the party started.

BABY WISE!! This week has been so interesting this far. Ive noticed that the swelling has picked up. Nothing too terrible, but I notice it in my feet mainly and sometimes my hands. He is making such strong movements TODAY that he was moving my entire belly. I just sat back and enjoyed the show. My mom suggested I start taking weekly pictures because I guess Im just expanding by the minute. I dont "feel" big though, I had lower self-esteem prepregnancy.

A couple days ago I was driving and generally up to now the movements have been like pulses that are getting stronger but I could feel him drag along the inside of my belly! It was so odd. It makes more sense now that I read about this week of developement though, this is the week where they gain completely developement of their HANDS. Which they use for exploration.

They also say at this time they are the PROPORTION the are going to be at birth, so if he has a big head now (compared to his body) he will have it at birth. His capillaries are now forming under his skin so he is no longer a translucent ghost baby, there is some pink hue to his skin. Baby weighs 1.5lbs plus and is 13.5 inches long!! Jeeze louise....but if you can see my belly...youd believe it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 24: My 6 month Appt - My Ballpark Hot Dog

The doctors appointment was your standard quickie appointment. It was the first time they measured my belly - which was exciting. I really like the Doctor I met this time, she was very down to earth. She asked about movement and I told her that he is very active, as a matter of fact hewas moving right then and there. She made a comment that babies around this time are most active between 9 and 11 at night (I can definitely attest to that! At 10:30 he is practically vibrating in there.)When she put the heart monitor on my tummy...he kept kicking. You could hear it through the monitor. Hes so good.

About the Baby: This is an exciting week. Up to now hes grown to be about 1.33 pounds and this week alone he gains half a pound! I can believe it. I feel like he is stretching in there. This weeks baby's ears are completely formed, in their correct position and functioning. Ive been trying to talk out loud more and I turn the radio up a little louder in the car. The funny this is that Ive been listening to a lot of the Ben E. King station on Pandora. Baby is getting some oldies!

The doctor gave me a Glucose drink that looks like orange soda. Within the next couple weeks I need to drink it and within an hour get my blood drawn to check for Fetal Diabetes. I guess the exciting tests are going to come here soon. The month flies by so fast its hard to believe my next appt is my 7th month checkup!

Week 24: Belly Pics!

Well...see for yourself. Its amazing how much your body changes.

Ill just say, I felt big at 16 weeks. I feel large at 20 dont know how to feel! Amazed at my 16 weeks body?
24 Weeks:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 23: My Little Harry Potter (Book)

Apparently my favorite website has forgone the food references, and this week has referenced the baby with a Harry Potter book. According to the website the baby should be a pound and almost a foot long. My baby being pretty good size could be even bigger than that.

Im starting to look more and more pregnant, only in my belly though. So when I wear a coat or a sweatshirt it conceals it pretty well. Not saying I should wish to conceal it, not by any means, Im just saying that when I share the news Im pregnant with someone they are always like REALLY?? I need to start wearing spandex jumpsuits...if only my butt hasnt become chunky.

So baby! baby going to double in size within the next 4 weeks they say. Which isnt a lot. Because Im almost to my 6 months baby will be 2 lbs by my 7th month appointment? Hooray for fat production.

How am I doing? Well I cant even read my last week post. Im really tired all the time. I need a vacation. Somewhere with a beach.

Im meeting with my parents old real estate agent soon too. Going to talk about my options when it comes to buying a condo! Im not getting my hopes up there (surprisingly, for a girl who thrives on hope) but if she gives me goals and things I need to have together than I can be on track to owning my own place. Other than that, my hyper-hormonal self is all over the place riding the rollercoaster of emotions. About everything. Why cant all the troubles of the world stop for 9 months during pregnancy?

Monday, April 11, 2011


Lacey texted me a couple days ago and said to look out for a package. I had no clue what to expect!

So here is what they were. For my records I am going to type here what her note says:

'Hey Girl, 
It kinda hit me that youre atually having a kid when you told me your having a boy! Now when I go places I'm going "How cute is this for Tristen's little boy." So I saw these and totally thought of me and you and our converse. AHHHH! I just had to get them. You are going to be such an amazing mom! Tell that little man of yours that these are from Aunt Lacey! I miss you tons & hope to see you soon! <3 Lacey'

I let out a little scream of happiness when I realized what they were. Lacey and I went to school in London together and were a very dangerous duo with our cool converse in various colors!


First Gift!

Here is the lovely gift from Bev Larsen.The pics are finally working!

Week 22: My PACK of Oreos

This wasn't necessarily a big week for baby changes, though I can now officially not fit into my work pants at all. Ive lost my ability to fit into my dresses, now Ive lost the ability to fit into my baggiest pair of slacks. Today im holding it all together with a hairband...but its not working out as well as I hoped.

Baby wise this week his little fingies are getting strong! Lots of exploration of his face and opening and closing his little fists. Baby is almost a pound and his hair has developed to be a tuft of white white hair. Rock on. My fav pregnancy site says the baby is as long as a PACK of oreos. Thats funny.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 21: My little bottle of Root Beer

Root Beer sounds really good about now...

Another week has gone by, I am not officially on the downward stretch of pregnancy! The first half is over. Nothing too exciting to report this week. I think it happens that way to balance out the excitement of last week. Ive made more hats! Ive even made Tyler a hat with ears. I love them all.

I also got my first baby gift! Bev Larsen came into my work and left me a little present. Something I always wanted...well since i discovered them a few weeks ago.Well I guess the blog is deciding to be difficult so I will try and post more pics at a different day.

Baby is really active, or maybe all 12 ounces of him are getting stronger because there is no denying he is nestled in my organs. Last week he was laying on his side, but I have a feeling he rotated because every little movement today was aimed at my bladder...which tickled immensely. A very odd feeling thats for sure. I think I kept an eye on the bathroom door at work the entire day, luckily I have a view of it from my desk.

Next week I officially hit the '5-month' mark. well at least its the 4 month before supposed due date mark.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Group Pre-Natal Session with Continuous Motion

Ive been networking a lot, as some of you know, with my job. The Whatcom Young Professional groups social this month was sponsored by Continuous Motion. The owner Hayley specializes in Pre and Post Natal workouts and she just had her own baby last August.

I liked her approach because it was individualized in the extent that they werent big classes, but it was a group circuit aspect.

So I went today to check it out. There were me and 3 other girls ranging in pregnany from 19ish to 22ish weeks. Im pushing the 21 week mark and I was by far the littlest. I feel like a hippo, I have an 80th percentile baby in utero...and I am somehow the smallest belly. I was also the tallest so maybe that had something to do with it.

They were all talking about food et cetera and I talked about Nascar. NASCAR!

It was extremely great though. The women were all awesome (I made our friendships facebook official alread). The workout was very thorough and really hit the important areas. The comradery was also really welcomed since they are the first pregnant women I have encountered and being in similar places only enhanced that.

So I think Ill definitely go next week.

Heres the facebook link to Continuous Motion:

Fun tidbit:
We all hung out a little bit after the session and chatted some more. We all ended up heading to the door at the same time. One of the ladies tried pushing it and it didnt open, so we all stared hopelessly at it for a minute and turned away. Then she figured out how to open it. The herd of pregnant women all with pregnant-brain. The site to be seen.


Some women crave food, some women start listening to metal. I....have developed a love for NASCAR.

NASCAR! (pronounced with a southern accent)


NASCARS ON THE TV!! (again...southern accent)

It all started with the Daytona 500.Michael and I were bored when it was between Nascar and Golf. I was leaning towards golf but there was only 30 laps left so I thought what the hey. Well...I dont know what it is about cars driving at fast speeds IN CIRCLES but for the first time in my life I was HOOKED! That M&M car had to win...but it didnt. It was so intense! There were crashes (which made me duck under the blankets), there were veteran drivers LOSING (couldnt tell the difference between them and the rest, but the announcers were saying they were important) Instead a young driver won and I was so happy I cried. I mean...I had something in my eye and the giggles were because I was happy at....something not weirdly related to Nascar, right?

So now every sunday I now set my alarm for nascar. So I watch nascar and eat my token popsicles. Which reminds me...I only have 2 left. I know they will still be there for me to eat Friday...because they are the flavor that Michael hates :) Good strategy.

I should also mention I insist on talking the entire time in a southern accent and try to make Michael do the same. I also prefer it to be either pantsless or jammy time. Gotta do it redneck good. AND anytime anything good happens I exclaim NASCAR! (southern accent) instead of the standard HOORAY!

I should of known it was going to be a boy...though I dont really know any boys that watch Nascar...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

20 Week Belly Pics

So, I feel a lot bigger. A lot of people were saying that it was about 6 months that they were noticably showing. So I wasnt expecting anything too durastic. My work clothes no longer fit well, so I went to a consignment store and bought some dresses that could allow for some expansion.

I'll let you judge for yourself. And yes...I am definately showing something.

20 Weeks:
16 Weeks:

Im trying to keep the pics the same porportion to compare better. No matter you can definitely see the difference. The baby is a-kicking. He must be proud.

OH! One thing you can notice in the pictures. The ultrasound tech was saying that he was riding low. He is also laying on his side for now :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

20 Week Ultrasound: ITS A BOY!!

So I went to my 20 week ultrasound today. I decided to have my mom come with me to witness the spectacular. I have gained 6-7lbs!! Which now makes total weight gain to 9-10lbs!! I feel a lot bigger than that, and you are now definitely seeing the baby growing. My belly button is now pulled taught. Its pretty fun.

The tech (who was quite humorless) showed us all the organs, the little feetsies and hands. Grandma made sure to count fingers and toes just to be sure. She saved the money shot for the tailend of the appointment. She did a cross section and asked, in a humorless tones, "Can you guess what it is?" Clearly a boy. Make mommy and daddy proud.

The baby boy is in the 70-80% size range. I definitely love big babies. There was a checklist of around 30 things the tech was looking for and by the end of the appointment everything was checked 'Normal.' Im excited to get my tax return back to get my main purches: Recaro Baby Seat - to match my car :)

Below: I thought I would include this picture. The infamous 'Can you guess what it is?' Pic. I'm in Seattle right now, but when I get back to Custer Ill take another belly photo.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby bottles

Im planning on breastfeeding as long as I could. Like 'I-never-want-to-buy-formula' long. We'll see, but LOOK AT THIS BOTTLE! Its like a boob bottle. I want them. Please :)

19 Weeks: 6" Sub Sandwich

I thought I would write a quick update.

The countdown is on till my next appointment next monday and my first ultrasound in 10 weeks!

Hmm...what to say about me? I have heartbearn all the time. So I have been very thankful for my tums. And Michael. This past weekend I was almost going to die from heartburn and I could not find my tums! He came to the rescue with his tums. Small things.

Also I feel MASSIVE! The baby is apparently 6 inches long and 8.5ish ounces at 19 weeks. So my belly is distending a little bit, but that little bit is making me feel like an elephant. They say stretch marks are a large part heredity and so far I have none, but a lady recommended Bio-Oil. It is amazing. Really is. Now if only I can remember exactly where it is....probably in my bag. I hope.

'Flutters' Galore! I feel flutters throughout the day. I also feel a lot of what I would describe as pressure amongst my organs.

Till next monday!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pickle: Pregnancy So Far: Hats Hats Hats

So the last major update was 16 weeks. So now that I am 18 week (*gasp*) It's time for another update.The baby is the size of a PICKLE, according to my fav website. Which translates to 5-7 ounces and 5-1/2" Long! My goodness. Also this week I have begun to feel movements! Nothin too insane, its calles 'fluttering' which means the baby is makin waves in there. Its pretty weird feeling. Also the baby's bones are hardening so maybe that means i will start looking pregnant. instead of becoming funny shaped.

Yes...I dont look pregnant to the untrained eye yet. Michael and I were talking about it the other day and my body is just changing shape right now. Nothing round, nothing pregnant like, its just morphing right now.

My workout! Yes! My goal is to get to the gym 3 times a week! Last week was my first successful 3-time week. Im not doing anything too stressful, dont do anything more than a walk. No more than 20 minutes of cardio and light weight training/lifting. Working my legs, bum (i dont want a chunky bum EVER), arms and back. Lots of stretching. They say if you keep active and your metabolism stays high, then the babies body will mimic that. So they cant blame me for causing them to be fat :)

Cravings! FOOD! All food. My picky eating days have left it seemed. The only deterent of food is if it takes to long to make. I want food..NOW. I went to the store to buy a salad...and bought more macaroni AND a salad. I could eat and eat and eat and eat. But I dont. If I have a sweet tooth, I generally grab a Dole Popsicle. Way healthy. I dont do fast food. I dont eat the MSG filled food. So I may want to eat all the time, and my serving sizes have naturally gotten bigger but Im not packing on the pounds by any mean. The only growth is still in the boobs and baby area. Good times.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant. All I could think was...I want to crochet!!! HATS! WITH EARS!

I had a few obstacles though. I hadnt crocheted anything since high school, and the most complex thing I ever tried was a scarf.

CHECK THEM OUT!! If you know of anyone who has a baby or is going ot have a baby let me know and Ill make them a hat. I find out in 2 weeks the sex of the baby, so my hats are generic colored at the moment righ tnow.

This is my first hat!! Working my way to the ears stage! (Had to figure out how to do ears first)

I have mixed feelings about this had. I bet it looks super cute on a little baby head...but doesnt anything look cute on a baby's head?? even a sock probably looks adorable on a baby's head.

EARS EARS EARS!! i absolutely love how it turned out and want to make 50 more. So PLEASE if you know of anyone who could use one of these. Let me know :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So far Ive been pregnant for 17 weeks. So far ive never looked pregnant, ive never felt pregnant...till now.

I dont know if it is just because I had an appointment. Or because 17 weeks is practically half way done, but my little mound is gradually turning into an actual bump and the CRAAAAVINGS.

It all started last night. I wanted a popsible. NOW. All my brain was telling me was popsiclepopsiclepopsiclepopsicle. I figured that wasnt anything out of character for me because I have been like that all my life. Well today...all I could think about was Grocery Store Mac'n'Cheese, you know the kind that is super mushy, salty and the top gets kind of dry and baked? yes! THATS THE ONE! And then I was thinking, 'yeah, yeah mac'n'cheese...and something with with barbeque sauce on it, not like mcdonalds barbeque, but the kind that tastes smoked and is kinda tangy....then a POPSICLE!! *gasp* It'll be so good.'

If someone could put all those flavors in my mouth right now I would be very grateful for it. Lacey said if she was in Washington we would go get some (bless her).

I did get some though, and chicken strips with barbeque sauce. No popsicles :(

Monday, February 28, 2011

16 Week Appt and First Belly Photos (My Potatoe)

 This week my pregnancy website said the baby is the size of a potatoe.

I had my pregnancy appointment today. Pregnancy so far is going extremely well. Nausea has ended (unless I dont eat periodically), I gained 3 pounds total so far, so not yet a fat cow - yet my boobs are now utters. Im pretty sure all 3 pounds went there.

Im going to Bellingham OBGYN. So far, so good. Its a large practice with multiple docs located across the street from St. Joes. They recommend you seeing all the Obstetricians so that you are familiar with the doc on call the day I do go into labor.

They gave me a goody bag of product endorsing pregnancy things. It still feels too soon to think of buying anything other than baby books. Which I have bought 3. 1 about the pregnancy, 1 about being a hot mom and the other about cool baby names.

I heard the heart beast for the first time. It was so surreal and it sounded strong and even. So really happy about that. Also the doc said my uterus is about to the bottom of my belly button, which i think you can see in the belly pics. I no longer can suck in my stomach because it has no where to go on the inside.

Oh! I forgot to mention symtoms or cravings, I have yet to go on the 'see-food' diet but I love anything healthy - fresh fruits, vegetable, celery, salad. Really dislikes sweets. Any my smell is exagerated so if something smells bad, it smells REALLY bad. If something tastes bad, it tastes REALLY bad. Like ashes.

My main symtom has been irratability. I lash out at bad drivers, generally the asian canadian kind. Mood swings, its getting better...but watch out. And im sorry if you are at the recieving end.

Also forgetfullness. They call it pregnancy brain. Cant remember where I set my key, my pants, my other sock, etc.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Maybe Ill put them in my bloggy-wog.

Pregnancy Survery

Name?: Tristen 
Age?: 22

About The Father
Name?: Michael 
Age?: 22
Are you still together?: Yes

About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: Early January
Was it planned?: haha! No
What was your first reaction?: Uh oh
Who was with you when you found out?: Just me, and Sophia because I was at work
Who was the first person you told?: My mom (of course)
How did your parents react?: My Mom giggled (as I was crying) and my dad asked if i was going to be alright, then gave me a hug.
How far along are you?: 16 weeks
What was your first symptom?: Huge boobs
What is your due date?: Aug. 14
Do you know the sex of the baby?: No
If so, what is it?:
Have you picked out names?: No clue
If so, what are they?:
How much weight have you gained?:3 pounds
Do you have stretch marks?: Not any that werent there before, and I moisturize heavily. Stretch, you skin, stretch.
Have you felt the baby move?: Negative
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes! Today and it was so nice.
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: As of right now natural
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: AAAAAAAHHH!
Will you breastfeed?: Heck yes
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: Not planned
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Im sure ill be crying the minute my water breaks
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: Hi
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: no, thats odd.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: excited for the next chapter, but scared.

10ish Week Sonogram

This was my first sonogram which actually occured around the time i found out. Yes, I stoically ignored all the signs (except the magnificent boobs part - how can you ignore those).

And so it begins...

So Ive started this blog and Im going to catch everyone up with how it is going thus far. Not planning a pregnancy, not expecting a pregnancy, not having a thought in your brain about producing a child leads to lots of procrastination in the baby department...

So Ill tell you how it all began...

No I wont, thats between me and Michael. I will tell you that I found out shortly after new years, about the time you come up with new years resolutions. As of today I have had my 16 week appt. Ive had one other appt before this, my potatoe is growing and a perfectly productive pace. 

"Potatoe" = I will explain:

Ive been addicted to 2 websites:

Both websites refer weekly to growth in the terms of food. My favorite week was 'Your baby is the size of a lemon.' All I could think of how amazing a lemon tastes/smells.

The next week 'Your baby is the size of a kitkat bar finger.' Really? REALLY?? Kitkat bars have always been amongst the grossest, and in pregnancy my body finds anything sweet highly repulsive, but old habits die hard. Ive always loved my sweets so I still accept (graciously) candy bars, and sweets but choose not to eat them so I put them in my purse. I now have an amazing collection of sweets in my purse that I occasionally feed to michael when my wallet no longer fits in there.

And guess what the baby is around 16 weeks? A potatoe. 

Well, Ill keep you updated when the urge occurs. Which will probably be around appointments. Or milestones.

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