Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 24: My 6 month Appt - My Ballpark Hot Dog

The doctors appointment was your standard quickie appointment. It was the first time they measured my belly - which was exciting. I really like the Doctor I met this time, she was very down to earth. She asked about movement and I told her that he is very active, as a matter of fact hewas moving right then and there. She made a comment that babies around this time are most active between 9 and 11 at night (I can definitely attest to that! At 10:30 he is practically vibrating in there.)When she put the heart monitor on my tummy...he kept kicking. You could hear it through the monitor. Hes so good.

About the Baby: This is an exciting week. Up to now hes grown to be about 1.33 pounds and this week alone he gains half a pound! I can believe it. I feel like he is stretching in there. This weeks baby's ears are completely formed, in their correct position and functioning. Ive been trying to talk out loud more and I turn the radio up a little louder in the car. The funny this is that Ive been listening to a lot of the Ben E. King station on Pandora. Baby is getting some oldies!

The doctor gave me a Glucose drink that looks like orange soda. Within the next couple weeks I need to drink it and within an hour get my blood drawn to check for Fetal Diabetes. I guess the exciting tests are going to come here soon. The month flies by so fast its hard to believe my next appt is my 7th month checkup!

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