Monday, March 21, 2011

19 Weeks: 6" Sub Sandwich

I thought I would write a quick update.

The countdown is on till my next appointment next monday and my first ultrasound in 10 weeks!

Hmm...what to say about me? I have heartbearn all the time. So I have been very thankful for my tums. And Michael. This past weekend I was almost going to die from heartburn and I could not find my tums! He came to the rescue with his tums. Small things.

Also I feel MASSIVE! The baby is apparently 6 inches long and 8.5ish ounces at 19 weeks. So my belly is distending a little bit, but that little bit is making me feel like an elephant. They say stretch marks are a large part heredity and so far I have none, but a lady recommended Bio-Oil. It is amazing. Really is. Now if only I can remember exactly where it is....probably in my bag. I hope.

'Flutters' Galore! I feel flutters throughout the day. I also feel a lot of what I would describe as pressure amongst my organs.

Till next monday!!

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