Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Some women crave food, some women start listening to metal. I....have developed a love for NASCAR.

NASCAR! (pronounced with a southern accent)


NASCARS ON THE TV!! (again...southern accent)

It all started with the Daytona 500.Michael and I were bored when it was between Nascar and Golf. I was leaning towards golf but there was only 30 laps left so I thought what the hey. Well...I dont know what it is about cars driving at fast speeds IN CIRCLES but for the first time in my life I was HOOKED! That M&M car had to win...but it didnt. It was so intense! There were crashes (which made me duck under the blankets), there were veteran drivers LOSING (couldnt tell the difference between them and the rest, but the announcers were saying they were important) Instead a young driver won and I was so happy I cried. I mean...I had something in my eye and the giggles were because I was happy at....something not weirdly related to Nascar, right?

So now every sunday I now set my alarm for nascar. So I watch nascar and eat my token popsicles. Which reminds me...I only have 2 left. I know they will still be there for me to eat Friday...because they are the flavor that Michael hates :) Good strategy.

I should also mention I insist on talking the entire time in a southern accent and try to make Michael do the same. I also prefer it to be either pantsless or jammy time. Gotta do it redneck good. AND anytime anything good happens I exclaim NASCAR! (southern accent) instead of the standard HOORAY!

I should of known it was going to be a boy...though I dont really know any boys that watch Nascar...

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