Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 28: My 7th Month Appt: My Cinnamon-Sugar Churro

This morning was my 7th month/28 weeks checkup. Before this appointment occured they gave me a mini pop bottle of a concentrated glucose drink (think sugary orange soda) which I had to drink. An hour after take a blood test that tested for infant diabetes/prenatal diabetes and iron. Well....passed both with flying colors. I never really had any doubt but it still feels good knowing that things are coming right along.

The actual appointment was as short and normal as possible. The doc I had was one that isnt really a sharer. By that I mean she does the measurements, listens to the heart beat but doesnt tell me what the conclusions are. Shes nice enough but happens to be my least favorite doc so far and they keep scheduling me with her...so I think its about time to switch and say loud and clear its time to see some of the other docs like the original plan.

Other than that I gained 3-4 lbs this time versus the 7-8 lbs of the past couple months. I dont feel chubby anymore at all, just pregnant. Still no stretch marks, because of the moisturizing routine, but my skin is stretching which apparently translates to itchy. So if you are looking at my 28 week belly picture the red marks, if you can see them, are from me scratching. Back and pelvis are starting to become sore, I asked the doc about it and she said its from the tendons and ligaments stretching and bones adjusting. She also said the baby was sitting breech and since she isnt a talker she decided not to elaborate - which isnt a big deal since I know what it means and she says that since I still have a couple months left its not a big deal yet. I really need a different doctor.

oh baby baby!

He is now 15 inches long and almost 3 pounds! I believe it because he is definitely throwing that weight around. The doctor gave me info on tracking movements (I dont think she understood when I said he was really active and Im definitely not worried about it) to make sure i get 10 movements in a 2 hour period...yeah I get 10 movements in a 5 minute period.  Now I feel them in the morning too when Im laying in bed...maybe thats why I've been waking up early, hes waking me up (in a nice way).

Other than that developement this week is eye based. He now has an eye color, though its not set in stone till month 9 of his life. If you think about it though, Mom has blue eyes and Dad has really blue eyes. So....Im putting my money on blue. I am now taking bets on hair color though. Dad has brown, I now have reddish blonde and most my life I was blonde. This week REM starts during his sleep cycles and his eyes can now partially open. Woohoo he can now see the womb...and more womb.

My RSVPs are beginning to trickle in for my baby shower! :) Its on June 12th so Ill update before then as well.

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