Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 36: Droppage

Another month down! Im in the 9 month range already. This had been both the longest and shortest developement in my life.

Went to the dock this morning. Had a strep culture done (HELLO!) and just a normal check-up other than that. My measurements, his heartbeat and position are all right on track. If you look at my picture you can kind of see he has dropped. I noticed this because my heartburn has lessened, I no longer get it all day. All my upper organs are getting a the morning. In the afternoon/evening he stretches himself right out and gives me killer heartburn and wedges himself between my hips and ribs so that I can not find a comfortable position that doesnt involve me stretching my arms above my head.

I am getting so heavy and so big that nothing I do can be considered graceful and/or sexy. Thats not even mentioning the noises and grunts i make to try to move myself. So I think the kudos should go to Michael at this point because though i may crawl and say "mooo" (i do do this) he has been nothing but supportive and actually manages to make me feel not as large. (though Ive seen the pictures! the jig is up!!) I am clearly huge. HUGE!

One more thing...Next week is considered full-term. So, I could actually have a completely healthy, fully cooked baby next week. You know...I love this child and Im looking forward to his arrival and being able to share life and this world with him...but I am WAY OVER sharing my body. Come on now. Right now, you know what he is doing? protruding out my side. Who does that?? My belly looks so lopsided and strange.

Another sexy addition to my story: aches and pains. My feet swell (though apparently not as bad as they could), so thats fun. Him protruding in, out and around my organs feel just like how you would think that would feel. Like someone is trying to slowly push your lung out your back. I have what feels like period cramps on and off (right now: ON), back pains and shooting pains which are just my body preparing and him headbutting me. The ladies (boobies) are preparing to be functioning machines, back to the perky phase because of the hormones (small victories), though that just means that they are preparing to do their job. Which still slightly freaks me out. Still have breast-feeding dreams but at least I am breast-feeding MY child in them now and not someone elses.

Im going to the doctor every week now. Next appointment is next monday. I have 3 before my due date. Hopefully he is here before then. The lease is officially signed for the Ferndale Apartment. Move in is August 1st. Which is a monday and would be on an appointment day. Though how much moving am I really capable of. I have a hard time moving my body let alone my stuff. So we'll see how that goes. Aaaaaand...OH! The Doctor I am not a fan leaving the office in a few days. For good. I no longer have to feel mean by requesting anyone but her :)

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