Wednesday, July 27, 2011

37 Week: Getting Closer...

This week was another appointment. On Monday I went in to see Dr. Mallory again for the second time so far this pregnancy. The nurse asked me if I wanted him to "check," I passed. maybe next week Ill have them check to see if anything is going on down there.

My blood pressure measured a little elevated, the exact amount of elevation as the previous week. He checked for signs of swelling and other symptoms or preeclampsia but saw none, so sent me to get a blood test for safe measure. Better safe than sorry in my book.

I am .2 lbs shy of the 200 lb mark! Oh jeeze. The doctor was telling me to not be disappointed if i saw my due date come and go. He also mentioned how nice and big he is measuring in there and that he thinks its definitely going to be an 8.5 lb baby at least. Which I knew. Come on. I'm 5'10" and was a big baby, Michael is taller and a big baby. We cannot make a small baby.

BUT I will tell you this much. I am going to do everything in my power to not see my due date come and go. I figure starting next week I'll bump on the activity. After that start eating some pineapple, spicy food and maybe some whoopie?? Maybe other things too people have told me can induce labor. As long as the car/Michael is close to whisk me away to the hospital.

Other than that pregnancy is all around extremely uncomfortable. He has never simmered down movement wise. I have to go to the restroom every few hours in the night, then when I try to get up my hips protest...

Other than that its a big waiting game :)

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