Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 35: 5 weeks left!

5 weeks left till D-day!!

I found out today I got the apartment in Ferndale that was perfect. Its a 2 bedroom, a very good size, lots of large windows and my 3 main wants: dishwasher, washer and dryer!

The baby is really really active. I keep waiting for him to simmer down because of his size like everyone warns me about, but he is just moving my belly MORE! I feel like a balloon that someone is stretching out before inflating.

Next week is my next appointment so I dont have to wait that much longer for my next update. I just checked my pregnancy website to see if they had an interesting update for me - but no, same old same old. Baby is packing on pounds, etc. it did mention the fact that his nails are growing which is kind of fun. I was reading in my preggo friends baby book that his bones are becoming firmer but there is still a lot of cartilage for his travel through the birth canal.

I guess a new thing to note is all the aches and pain! I have seen pregnant women my entire life but BEING one is a whole different story. Its always hot in my world, my hips feel like they are being pulled in 2 separate directions and Ill get random jabs of pain that put me in my tracks, but quickly vanish. Half the day I have ankles and the other half the day I have squishy appendages. The doctor was saying how I should be thankful that even when they are swollen at least I still have ankles.

Next week will be a belly photo and another doc update.

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