Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Group Pre-Natal Session with Continuous Motion

Ive been networking a lot, as some of you know, with my job. The Whatcom Young Professional groups social this month was sponsored by Continuous Motion. The owner Hayley specializes in Pre and Post Natal workouts and she just had her own baby last August.

I liked her approach because it was individualized in the extent that they werent big classes, but it was a group circuit aspect.

So I went today to check it out. There were me and 3 other girls ranging in pregnany from 19ish to 22ish weeks. Im pushing the 21 week mark and I was by far the littlest. I feel like a hippo, I have an 80th percentile baby in utero...and I am somehow the smallest belly. I was also the tallest so maybe that had something to do with it.

They were all talking about food et cetera and I talked about Nascar. NASCAR!

It was extremely great though. The women were all awesome (I made our friendships facebook official alread). The workout was very thorough and really hit the important areas. The comradery was also really welcomed since they are the first pregnant women I have encountered and being in similar places only enhanced that.

So I think Ill definitely go next week.

Heres the facebook link to Continuous Motion:

Fun tidbit:
We all hung out a little bit after the session and chatted some more. We all ended up heading to the door at the same time. One of the ladies tried pushing it and it didnt open, so we all stared hopelessly at it for a minute and turned away. Then she figured out how to open it. The herd of pregnant women all with pregnant-brain. The site to be seen.

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