Thursday, May 5, 2011

A couple things I cant hold back...

Yesterday...for the first time in my pregnancy...a stranger asked when I was due!!! So I officially have the pregnancy body. Which feels like a right of passage. Thats right...thats my baby. In there.

I took a tour of St. Joes Chilbirth Center. It just makes it all feel very real and VERY scary. Though, I have to say they have very nice pregnancy digs. All the rooms are private and each of the rooms has an extra bed for your support person. They really cater to each individual mother. It was also nice to go through the entire chilbirth process and what to expect.


From the day I found out Recaro made babyseats I wanted one - to match the seats in my car. The day has finally come and I BOUGHT ONE! WOOOHOOOO! No, Im not going to strap it in my car right now....though I would totally do that. 3 months is a little unexcusable. 

Jeffie definitely approved of the color. Hes my big black baby.

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