Monday, March 28, 2011

20 Week Ultrasound: ITS A BOY!!

So I went to my 20 week ultrasound today. I decided to have my mom come with me to witness the spectacular. I have gained 6-7lbs!! Which now makes total weight gain to 9-10lbs!! I feel a lot bigger than that, and you are now definitely seeing the baby growing. My belly button is now pulled taught. Its pretty fun.

The tech (who was quite humorless) showed us all the organs, the little feetsies and hands. Grandma made sure to count fingers and toes just to be sure. She saved the money shot for the tailend of the appointment. She did a cross section and asked, in a humorless tones, "Can you guess what it is?" Clearly a boy. Make mommy and daddy proud.

The baby boy is in the 70-80% size range. I definitely love big babies. There was a checklist of around 30 things the tech was looking for and by the end of the appointment everything was checked 'Normal.' Im excited to get my tax return back to get my main purches: Recaro Baby Seat - to match my car :)

Below: I thought I would include this picture. The infamous 'Can you guess what it is?' Pic. I'm in Seattle right now, but when I get back to Custer Ill take another belly photo.

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