Monday, April 11, 2011


Lacey texted me a couple days ago and said to look out for a package. I had no clue what to expect!

So here is what they were. For my records I am going to type here what her note says:

'Hey Girl, 
It kinda hit me that youre atually having a kid when you told me your having a boy! Now when I go places I'm going "How cute is this for Tristen's little boy." So I saw these and totally thought of me and you and our converse. AHHHH! I just had to get them. You are going to be such an amazing mom! Tell that little man of yours that these are from Aunt Lacey! I miss you tons & hope to see you soon! <3 Lacey'

I let out a little scream of happiness when I realized what they were. Lacey and I went to school in London together and were a very dangerous duo with our cool converse in various colors!


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