Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 33: 7 weeks is to go

Its been harder and harder to write on my blog because the weeks are going by so fast.

Right now the baby is in there hiccuping, followed by a little baby earthquake - where my whole stomach moes and shifts. They say the baby should start lessening movements because he is getting bigger. Au Contrer world, his movements are just more defined and I can feel his little hard body under the surface of my skin. If he's not moving I'll give him a little baby massage and get him moving - which he probably dislikes, or likes A LOT.

This is an exciting week because his lungs are almost fully mature so that if he were to be born he'd need a little help from the NICU but otherwise OK. Also he is 17.5 inches long and is pushing 5 lbs. yeah. Human Being in there.

There have been topics me and Michael have talked about. Major doozies if I say so, like: circumcision. I think that Michael is going to take the lead on this one. Its kind of weird talking about it with the world, but its a discussion me and him have had and I think since he is the one with the body part in question, he can decide what to do with his mini's man part. If in the future he has a question wondering why things were done/or not done to his no-no bits I could just point and his Dad and say "Ask him."

Ive also thought about the whole hospital situation. It happens when you get far along, especially when it can happen just a month from now. I want 2 people (other than the Doc and nurses) in my room with me. My mom, who will act as my coachy-woach and Michael who I can vent on/at? Noooooo I would never do that. Right?

Ive made rules. Like if it is happening all to plan like natural delivery is possible and happening, no one other than the docs can be down theeeeeere till the moment he is born. Im going to try to hold off on pain killers as long as I can. So that labor progresses naturally as much as possibly, then when I cant stand it any more then I'll get an epidural. Other than that, Im just going to take it as it comes. I didnt really want to do any of the birthing classes because my brain isnt going to think about that, so I figured I can just put all the pressure on my Mom to know whats going on (fair, right?) and how to calm me down. I think those thought are going to go right our of my head with every contraction.

Tuesday next week is my next appt.

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