Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 27: My Roast

3D Pregnancy told me my baby is the size of a Roast this week - very fitting.

I got to see Lacey over the weekend! I was so happy to see her that when I got there and she was like 'Look around the corner!' I didnt know what to expect. A MINI BABY SHOWER!!It was amazing. Lacey is one of my BEST friends and her, her amazing mom, Stacee (who just moved to Wa) and Kacie really did something amazing for me and made me feel so special. So now Im loaded up with the cutest onesies, blankets, wash rags, baby safety kits, and SO MUCH MORE! Im going to have to get her to send me the pics so I can post them on here. Those ladies are so amazing and I am so happy that they are in my life even if they are in TEXAS!

My body wise. I feel HUGE. Its not just size wise, but I feel it in my bones. Mainly my lower back and hips. I get out and go for at least a walk everyday but at night as soon as I rest I am down for the count...and he kicks me the entire time. Out of love, Im sure.

My belly is a basketball. Shalyn (my pregnancy buddy) today was like 'try to find your ribs'...I couldnt. Its such a strange feeling to not be able to suck in your stomach, and to not be able to feel your ribs. The good thing about it is how clear it is that there is someone growing in there...

His developement: If he were born today he has around an 85% chance of surviving. Its a nice thought just to know that we are getting closer and closer to safety and my mommy instincts love that. He is 14.5 inches long and 2 lbs so hes getting there. Now bring on some more! The only other notable thing is that if your baby is a boy (affirmative) his testes drop this week. Make momma proud.

MY BABY-Q INVITES!!! Have gone out in the mail thanks to the amazing Steph and Bianca. I sent them to people near and far. So if you havent gotten one maybe I didnt get your address right. June 12th is the date at my parents house. Its a man friendly event so feel free to bring your significant other or whatever. Its more barbeque than traditional baby shower.

Next TUESDAY is my 7 month checkup. Prepare yourself for some of this amazing body.

P.s. Ive upped my game on the Bio-Oil application. So no stretch marks :)

1 comment:

  1. hey tristen! first of all, i love reading your blog. :) so happy for you and baby! and so curious for pics, keep us posted!

