Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 25: MY BIRTHDAY!!

So...TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!! Its strange how life goes on the back burner when a baby comes into the picture. Im so focused on August and whats going on inside that my birthday just roared up on me! Its the big 2-3!! How my life has been going I never imagined myself to be pregnant and 23, but hey! get the party started.

BABY WISE!! This week has been so interesting this far. Ive noticed that the swelling has picked up. Nothing too terrible, but I notice it in my feet mainly and sometimes my hands. He is making such strong movements TODAY that he was moving my entire belly. I just sat back and enjoyed the show. My mom suggested I start taking weekly pictures because I guess Im just expanding by the minute. I dont "feel" big though, I had lower self-esteem prepregnancy.

A couple days ago I was driving and generally up to now the movements have been like pulses that are getting stronger but I could feel him drag along the inside of my belly! It was so odd. It makes more sense now that I read about this week of developement though, this is the week where they gain completely developement of their HANDS. Which they use for exploration.

They also say at this time they are the PROPORTION the are going to be at birth, so if he has a big head now (compared to his body) he will have it at birth. His capillaries are now forming under his skin so he is no longer a translucent ghost baby, there is some pink hue to his skin. Baby weighs 1.5lbs plus and is 13.5 inches long!! Jeeze louise....but if you can see my belly...youd believe it.

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