Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 34: The appointment

This update is a week late!! I am so sorry...its getting harder and harder as it gets closer and closer to get the these updates out. The anticipation!

My favorite website is beginning to sound really repetitive and not giving me much more information but luckily I am now getting really close to my doctors office.

This week was my first 2 week appointment. My last appt they told me I gained almost 15 lbs and it had me really worried and why it would jump that high. Well this appointment I am 6 pounds lighter. So a jump but not as big of a jump as we thought. Maybe it was what I was wearing or drinking (or the scale was trying to pull a fast one.)

It was my first visit with one of the male doctors. Dr. Mallory. I really really liked him. He made me feel so comfortable asking questions. I asked what changes happen to my body after childbirth, and told him to give me the guys opinion. Im not going to go into detail here, but it was a humorous and uplifting discussion to say the least.

Ill wait to give the next belly picture till a full month after the last one. So after my appointment in 2 weeks.

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