Monday, June 13, 2011


A lot has happened this week. A lot of excitement.

To give you the quick baby update, he is going to be gaining at least 1/2-lb a week from here on out preparing for his conquerage of this world. At this point he has full functioning 5 senses, and his organs are functioning...minues the lungs. His lungs still need a bit of baking to be fully functioning themselves. He spends all his day in there kicking me. Which brings me to my next point...


The baby-q came and left in a big hurricane of excitment. Special thanks to Bianca and Steph for throwing an awesome shower. The games were so much fun. The one thing I wanted was a 'Decorate a Onesie' game, so I now have 20ish friend/family designed onsies which are ridiculously cute. I also need to thank my parents for getting NUMEROUS projects done on the house to get it fabulously presentable for the party, which included gluing burlap on the wall, painting a double heighth wall and putting natural stone on a double heighth fireplace - no big deal. Now that its over I feel like im on vacation, Im not running (wabbling) around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Its so strange to think that next week is my 8 month appt already! Another belly pic. Another full month closer to d-day.

All in all it was amazing being able to share things with my most special family and friends. Camden (the name we chose) recieved so many awesomely cute gifts and even I recieved some amazing gifts that will come in handy (lots of boob stuff....thanks Bev ;-)) I already put together some of the bigger things because I couldnt contain myself. I wish I had a baby to put in all them right now. Anybody have one I can babysit and put in all these cool new things?? Jeffie is not participating - in fact he is laying like a big black kitty sausage next to me on the couch, youd think he's enjoy a soothing musical swing...

 Such a cool swing...


 "I love Grandma most" You say??

 There are a variety of sizes too! From newborn on up...

 Peace sign from Bev and Haley, of course. Personalized Onesies....A TUXEDO!

 I did not realise I knew such talented artists!!!

 More cuteness...

Some of the more creative writings...of course from Steph, Sam and Seth.

Cant wait to start using all the new stuff! I may never have to buy a onesie.

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