Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 26: My Little Burp Cloth? (Yeah...thats kinda strange)

Week 26! Time is flying! I can hardly believe it, other than the belly getting nice and round.

Mothers Day was yesterday and it still doesnt seem quite real that I am a mother. Its nice to know its a pretty celebrated day. Flower stores were so crazy and everyone was thinking about their moms. I got my mom a Grandma card :) hehehe....

Pregnancy this week: He is so active! Its no longer is just a little kick I feel on the inside. My whole belly moves like the ocean and its always more intense in the evening so I watch 'The Baby Show' which is just my belly morphing and pulsing.

Baby developement. Ive heard some websites say he's 2 pounds, some say he's less. He is 14 inches long from head to heel. My fav go-to pregnancy site is getting less and less creative and informative because for the most part developement is finished, now its just growing. This week according to the site the baby's retinas are done developing and his lungs are developed to the point where they could possibly function on their own out of the womb right now. Which is nice to know. Being pregnant you always worry that everything is going ok, and baby is happy and healthy in there so now I know he is pretty darn developed and the kicks always help as well. But they are only 2 lb baby kicks! I cant imagine what they are going to be like when he is 4, 6 and 8 POUNDS!! My bones are becoming sore. The extra weight on your joints is definitely taxing. My belly is stretched pretty firm, if i get up weird, or stretch oddly it feels almost like a side ache in your belly area.

My baby dream:
So this weekend I ate some skittles, drank powerade and went to bed. I dreamt that I had the baby right now at 26 weeks, but he was the size and activeness of a 4 month old and I was trying to breastfeed him because it was the first and foremost thing I had to do! Well one of my boobs wasnt even working, and by the time I figured things out he changed into a little black frisky kitten that I was trying to keep Luna (my cat) away from.

I dont have baby dreams often, but when I do they are pretty awesome :)

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