Friday, January 3, 2014

Single Mom, Life and Living the Way I See Fit...

This is my first blog update since 2 weeks prior to Camden's birth! He is now 2 Years and 5 months old! I wish there was a quick and easy way to sum up the time since but there is not... Too much happens in life but I will tell you now that I am a different person than even though my life is a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs it is amazing. As amazing as any rollercoaster experience (moments of peace, moments of anticipation, moments of extreme emotions, etc.)


I am now 25 years old. I am a single mom (have been since Cam was 7 months old), I am a working mom, I am an artist, I am a working designer, I am in an unconventional relationship - A quiet relationship. One that's presence isn't on Facebook, or one that doesn't have a title. Coming from a relationship with a heavy presence of abuse, this is a relationship for me. Hes also younger.

I live in a small town, in a small house that I fixed up to suit Camden and myself. It has the markings of a toddlers presence all over. I work in a showroom 3 days a week, and I focus on Camden and Art to fill the rest of the time. I am currently embarking on a new direction taking that art to a new place. A new medium.

I discovered with the birth of my son, as surprising as that journey, that I absolutely love it. This year, New Years was spent in my living room with popcorn all over the place, a bulldozer that's path constantly went over my head and Garfield on TV. I would not have traded it for the world. I didn't even consider getting a sitter, or look to see what other people were doing.  

My unconventional relationship has gone in a new direction. With the fact that he is no longer by my side, but 300 miles away. For a short amount of time possibly (a total of a couple months). Maybe. How do you have expectations from a relationship that exists nowhere except your heart? In the years since splitting up with my Ex, I only knew to rely on myself and be this strong independent single mom, but once my house was empty of another adult presence (again) I realized how much I relied on him. And how reliable he was. Which was a nice change.

I find myself constantly being asked questions from other people, probing to see my experiences, probing to see my take on things. So this blog is where I am going to address all of those.

Thanks for reading!!

Single Mom Extraordinaire

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