Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Group Pre-Natal Session with Continuous Motion

Ive been networking a lot, as some of you know, with my job. The Whatcom Young Professional groups social this month was sponsored by Continuous Motion. The owner Hayley specializes in Pre and Post Natal workouts and she just had her own baby last August.

I liked her approach because it was individualized in the extent that they werent big classes, but it was a group circuit aspect.

So I went today to check it out. There were me and 3 other girls ranging in pregnany from 19ish to 22ish weeks. Im pushing the 21 week mark and I was by far the littlest. I feel like a hippo, I have an 80th percentile baby in utero...and I am somehow the smallest belly. I was also the tallest so maybe that had something to do with it.

They were all talking about food et cetera and I talked about Nascar. NASCAR!

It was extremely great though. The women were all awesome (I made our friendships facebook official alread). The workout was very thorough and really hit the important areas. The comradery was also really welcomed since they are the first pregnant women I have encountered and being in similar places only enhanced that.

So I think Ill definitely go next week.

Heres the facebook link to Continuous Motion:

Fun tidbit:
We all hung out a little bit after the session and chatted some more. We all ended up heading to the door at the same time. One of the ladies tried pushing it and it didnt open, so we all stared hopelessly at it for a minute and turned away. Then she figured out how to open it. The herd of pregnant women all with pregnant-brain. The site to be seen.


Some women crave food, some women start listening to metal. I....have developed a love for NASCAR.

NASCAR! (pronounced with a southern accent)


NASCARS ON THE TV!! (again...southern accent)

It all started with the Daytona 500.Michael and I were bored when it was between Nascar and Golf. I was leaning towards golf but there was only 30 laps left so I thought what the hey. Well...I dont know what it is about cars driving at fast speeds IN CIRCLES but for the first time in my life I was HOOKED! That M&M car had to win...but it didnt. It was so intense! There were crashes (which made me duck under the blankets), there were veteran drivers LOSING (couldnt tell the difference between them and the rest, but the announcers were saying they were important) Instead a young driver won and I was so happy I cried. I mean...I had something in my eye and the giggles were because I was happy at....something not weirdly related to Nascar, right?

So now every sunday I now set my alarm for nascar. So I watch nascar and eat my token popsicles. Which reminds me...I only have 2 left. I know they will still be there for me to eat Friday...because they are the flavor that Michael hates :) Good strategy.

I should also mention I insist on talking the entire time in a southern accent and try to make Michael do the same. I also prefer it to be either pantsless or jammy time. Gotta do it redneck good. AND anytime anything good happens I exclaim NASCAR! (southern accent) instead of the standard HOORAY!

I should of known it was going to be a boy...though I dont really know any boys that watch Nascar...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

20 Week Belly Pics

So, I feel a lot bigger. A lot of people were saying that it was about 6 months that they were noticably showing. So I wasnt expecting anything too durastic. My work clothes no longer fit well, so I went to a consignment store and bought some dresses that could allow for some expansion.

I'll let you judge for yourself. And yes...I am definately showing something.

20 Weeks:
16 Weeks:

Im trying to keep the pics the same porportion to compare better. No matter you can definitely see the difference. The baby is a-kicking. He must be proud.

OH! One thing you can notice in the pictures. The ultrasound tech was saying that he was riding low. He is also laying on his side for now :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

20 Week Ultrasound: ITS A BOY!!

So I went to my 20 week ultrasound today. I decided to have my mom come with me to witness the spectacular. I have gained 6-7lbs!! Which now makes total weight gain to 9-10lbs!! I feel a lot bigger than that, and you are now definitely seeing the baby growing. My belly button is now pulled taught. Its pretty fun.

The tech (who was quite humorless) showed us all the organs, the little feetsies and hands. Grandma made sure to count fingers and toes just to be sure. She saved the money shot for the tailend of the appointment. She did a cross section and asked, in a humorless tones, "Can you guess what it is?" Clearly a boy. Make mommy and daddy proud.

The baby boy is in the 70-80% size range. I definitely love big babies. There was a checklist of around 30 things the tech was looking for and by the end of the appointment everything was checked 'Normal.' Im excited to get my tax return back to get my main purches: Recaro Baby Seat - to match my car :)

Below: I thought I would include this picture. The infamous 'Can you guess what it is?' Pic. I'm in Seattle right now, but when I get back to Custer Ill take another belly photo.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby bottles

Im planning on breastfeeding as long as I could. Like 'I-never-want-to-buy-formula' long. We'll see, but LOOK AT THIS BOTTLE! Its like a boob bottle. I want them. Please :)

19 Weeks: 6" Sub Sandwich

I thought I would write a quick update.

The countdown is on till my next appointment next monday and my first ultrasound in 10 weeks!

Hmm...what to say about me? I have heartbearn all the time. So I have been very thankful for my tums. And Michael. This past weekend I was almost going to die from heartburn and I could not find my tums! He came to the rescue with his tums. Small things.

Also I feel MASSIVE! The baby is apparently 6 inches long and 8.5ish ounces at 19 weeks. So my belly is distending a little bit, but that little bit is making me feel like an elephant. They say stretch marks are a large part heredity and so far I have none, but a lady recommended Bio-Oil. It is amazing. Really is. Now if only I can remember exactly where it is....probably in my bag. I hope.

'Flutters' Galore! I feel flutters throughout the day. I also feel a lot of what I would describe as pressure amongst my organs.

Till next monday!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pickle: Pregnancy So Far: Hats Hats Hats

So the last major update was 16 weeks. So now that I am 18 week (*gasp*) It's time for another update.The baby is the size of a PICKLE, according to my fav website. Which translates to 5-7 ounces and 5-1/2" Long! My goodness. Also this week I have begun to feel movements! Nothin too insane, its calles 'fluttering' which means the baby is makin waves in there. Its pretty weird feeling. Also the baby's bones are hardening so maybe that means i will start looking pregnant. instead of becoming funny shaped.

Yes...I dont look pregnant to the untrained eye yet. Michael and I were talking about it the other day and my body is just changing shape right now. Nothing round, nothing pregnant like, its just morphing right now.

My workout! Yes! My goal is to get to the gym 3 times a week! Last week was my first successful 3-time week. Im not doing anything too stressful, dont do anything more than a walk. No more than 20 minutes of cardio and light weight training/lifting. Working my legs, bum (i dont want a chunky bum EVER), arms and back. Lots of stretching. They say if you keep active and your metabolism stays high, then the babies body will mimic that. So they cant blame me for causing them to be fat :)

Cravings! FOOD! All food. My picky eating days have left it seemed. The only deterent of food is if it takes to long to make. I want food..NOW. I went to the store to buy a salad...and bought more macaroni AND a salad. I could eat and eat and eat and eat. But I dont. If I have a sweet tooth, I generally grab a Dole Popsicle. Way healthy. I dont do fast food. I dont eat the MSG filled food. So I may want to eat all the time, and my serving sizes have naturally gotten bigger but Im not packing on the pounds by any mean. The only growth is still in the boobs and baby area. Good times.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant. All I could think was...I want to crochet!!! HATS! WITH EARS!

I had a few obstacles though. I hadnt crocheted anything since high school, and the most complex thing I ever tried was a scarf.

CHECK THEM OUT!! If you know of anyone who has a baby or is going ot have a baby let me know and Ill make them a hat. I find out in 2 weeks the sex of the baby, so my hats are generic colored at the moment righ tnow.

This is my first hat!! Working my way to the ears stage! (Had to figure out how to do ears first)

I have mixed feelings about this had. I bet it looks super cute on a little baby head...but doesnt anything look cute on a baby's head?? even a sock probably looks adorable on a baby's head.

EARS EARS EARS!! i absolutely love how it turned out and want to make 50 more. So PLEASE if you know of anyone who could use one of these. Let me know :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So far Ive been pregnant for 17 weeks. So far ive never looked pregnant, ive never felt pregnant...till now.

I dont know if it is just because I had an appointment. Or because 17 weeks is practically half way done, but my little mound is gradually turning into an actual bump and the CRAAAAVINGS.

It all started last night. I wanted a popsible. NOW. All my brain was telling me was popsiclepopsiclepopsiclepopsicle. I figured that wasnt anything out of character for me because I have been like that all my life. Well today...all I could think about was Grocery Store Mac'n'Cheese, you know the kind that is super mushy, salty and the top gets kind of dry and baked? yes! THATS THE ONE! And then I was thinking, 'yeah, yeah mac'n'cheese...and something with with barbeque sauce on it, not like mcdonalds barbeque, but the kind that tastes smoked and is kinda tangy....then a POPSICLE!! *gasp* It'll be so good.'

If someone could put all those flavors in my mouth right now I would be very grateful for it. Lacey said if she was in Washington we would go get some (bless her).

I did get some though, and chicken strips with barbeque sauce. No popsicles :(