Wednesday, July 27, 2011

37 Week: Getting Closer...

This week was another appointment. On Monday I went in to see Dr. Mallory again for the second time so far this pregnancy. The nurse asked me if I wanted him to "check," I passed. maybe next week Ill have them check to see if anything is going on down there.

My blood pressure measured a little elevated, the exact amount of elevation as the previous week. He checked for signs of swelling and other symptoms or preeclampsia but saw none, so sent me to get a blood test for safe measure. Better safe than sorry in my book.

I am .2 lbs shy of the 200 lb mark! Oh jeeze. The doctor was telling me to not be disappointed if i saw my due date come and go. He also mentioned how nice and big he is measuring in there and that he thinks its definitely going to be an 8.5 lb baby at least. Which I knew. Come on. I'm 5'10" and was a big baby, Michael is taller and a big baby. We cannot make a small baby.

BUT I will tell you this much. I am going to do everything in my power to not see my due date come and go. I figure starting next week I'll bump on the activity. After that start eating some pineapple, spicy food and maybe some whoopie?? Maybe other things too people have told me can induce labor. As long as the car/Michael is close to whisk me away to the hospital.

Other than that pregnancy is all around extremely uncomfortable. He has never simmered down movement wise. I have to go to the restroom every few hours in the night, then when I try to get up my hips protest...

Other than that its a big waiting game :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 36: Droppage

Another month down! Im in the 9 month range already. This had been both the longest and shortest developement in my life.

Went to the dock this morning. Had a strep culture done (HELLO!) and just a normal check-up other than that. My measurements, his heartbeat and position are all right on track. If you look at my picture you can kind of see he has dropped. I noticed this because my heartburn has lessened, I no longer get it all day. All my upper organs are getting a the morning. In the afternoon/evening he stretches himself right out and gives me killer heartburn and wedges himself between my hips and ribs so that I can not find a comfortable position that doesnt involve me stretching my arms above my head.

I am getting so heavy and so big that nothing I do can be considered graceful and/or sexy. Thats not even mentioning the noises and grunts i make to try to move myself. So I think the kudos should go to Michael at this point because though i may crawl and say "mooo" (i do do this) he has been nothing but supportive and actually manages to make me feel not as large. (though Ive seen the pictures! the jig is up!!) I am clearly huge. HUGE!

One more thing...Next week is considered full-term. So, I could actually have a completely healthy, fully cooked baby next week. You know...I love this child and Im looking forward to his arrival and being able to share life and this world with him...but I am WAY OVER sharing my body. Come on now. Right now, you know what he is doing? protruding out my side. Who does that?? My belly looks so lopsided and strange.

Another sexy addition to my story: aches and pains. My feet swell (though apparently not as bad as they could), so thats fun. Him protruding in, out and around my organs feel just like how you would think that would feel. Like someone is trying to slowly push your lung out your back. I have what feels like period cramps on and off (right now: ON), back pains and shooting pains which are just my body preparing and him headbutting me. The ladies (boobies) are preparing to be functioning machines, back to the perky phase because of the hormones (small victories), though that just means that they are preparing to do their job. Which still slightly freaks me out. Still have breast-feeding dreams but at least I am breast-feeding MY child in them now and not someone elses.

Im going to the doctor every week now. Next appointment is next monday. I have 3 before my due date. Hopefully he is here before then. The lease is officially signed for the Ferndale Apartment. Move in is August 1st. Which is a monday and would be on an appointment day. Though how much moving am I really capable of. I have a hard time moving my body let alone my stuff. So we'll see how that goes. Aaaaaand...OH! The Doctor I am not a fan leaving the office in a few days. For good. I no longer have to feel mean by requesting anyone but her :)

Week 36: Belly Pics - I thought I was large before....think WHALE.

Week 36: 
Where is my tattoo?? 
AND Say hello to my little friends (stretch marks)
...also belly button?


Week 32:

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 35: 5 weeks left!

5 weeks left till D-day!!

I found out today I got the apartment in Ferndale that was perfect. Its a 2 bedroom, a very good size, lots of large windows and my 3 main wants: dishwasher, washer and dryer!

The baby is really really active. I keep waiting for him to simmer down because of his size like everyone warns me about, but he is just moving my belly MORE! I feel like a balloon that someone is stretching out before inflating.

Next week is my next appointment so I dont have to wait that much longer for my next update. I just checked my pregnancy website to see if they had an interesting update for me - but no, same old same old. Baby is packing on pounds, etc. it did mention the fact that his nails are growing which is kind of fun. I was reading in my preggo friends baby book that his bones are becoming firmer but there is still a lot of cartilage for his travel through the birth canal.

I guess a new thing to note is all the aches and pain! I have seen pregnant women my entire life but BEING one is a whole different story. Its always hot in my world, my hips feel like they are being pulled in 2 separate directions and Ill get random jabs of pain that put me in my tracks, but quickly vanish. Half the day I have ankles and the other half the day I have squishy appendages. The doctor was saying how I should be thankful that even when they are swollen at least I still have ankles.

Next week will be a belly photo and another doc update.

Week 34: The appointment

This update is a week late!! I am so sorry...its getting harder and harder as it gets closer and closer to get the these updates out. The anticipation!

My favorite website is beginning to sound really repetitive and not giving me much more information but luckily I am now getting really close to my doctors office.

This week was my first 2 week appointment. My last appt they told me I gained almost 15 lbs and it had me really worried and why it would jump that high. Well this appointment I am 6 pounds lighter. So a jump but not as big of a jump as we thought. Maybe it was what I was wearing or drinking (or the scale was trying to pull a fast one.)

It was my first visit with one of the male doctors. Dr. Mallory. I really really liked him. He made me feel so comfortable asking questions. I asked what changes happen to my body after childbirth, and told him to give me the guys opinion. Im not going to go into detail here, but it was a humorous and uplifting discussion to say the least.

Ill wait to give the next belly picture till a full month after the last one. So after my appointment in 2 weeks.