Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week 33: 7 weeks is to go

Its been harder and harder to write on my blog because the weeks are going by so fast.

Right now the baby is in there hiccuping, followed by a little baby earthquake - where my whole stomach moes and shifts. They say the baby should start lessening movements because he is getting bigger. Au Contrer world, his movements are just more defined and I can feel his little hard body under the surface of my skin. If he's not moving I'll give him a little baby massage and get him moving - which he probably dislikes, or likes A LOT.

This is an exciting week because his lungs are almost fully mature so that if he were to be born he'd need a little help from the NICU but otherwise OK. Also he is 17.5 inches long and is pushing 5 lbs. yeah. Human Being in there.

There have been topics me and Michael have talked about. Major doozies if I say so, like: circumcision. I think that Michael is going to take the lead on this one. Its kind of weird talking about it with the world, but its a discussion me and him have had and I think since he is the one with the body part in question, he can decide what to do with his mini's man part. If in the future he has a question wondering why things were done/or not done to his no-no bits I could just point and his Dad and say "Ask him."

Ive also thought about the whole hospital situation. It happens when you get far along, especially when it can happen just a month from now. I want 2 people (other than the Doc and nurses) in my room with me. My mom, who will act as my coachy-woach and Michael who I can vent on/at? Noooooo I would never do that. Right?

Ive made rules. Like if it is happening all to plan like natural delivery is possible and happening, no one other than the docs can be down theeeeeere till the moment he is born. Im going to try to hold off on pain killers as long as I can. So that labor progresses naturally as much as possibly, then when I cant stand it any more then I'll get an epidural. Other than that, Im just going to take it as it comes. I didnt really want to do any of the birthing classes because my brain isnt going to think about that, so I figured I can just put all the pressure on my Mom to know whats going on (fair, right?) and how to calm me down. I think those thought are going to go right our of my head with every contraction.

Tuesday next week is my next appt.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week 32: Appt Update

So...this past week I have seen the arrival of something new. Something that I find very un-nice and I would even go as far as calling them jerks...thats right. STRETCH MARKS. They are THERE where I cant see them. Literally. I cant see them, Michael pointed them out. They are on the underside of my HUGE belly. Those sneaky jerks.

Update of my appointment! I saw a new doctor, like Im suppose to, and she was amazing and I really enjoyed my brief appointment. My belly measured the EXACT measurement a 32 week belly is suppose to be. My heart rate, babies heart rate was spot on. I gained almost 15 POUNDS! 15 POUNDS!! I was feeling huge, I guess now I know I wasnt making it up. The doctor said that that was no cause for alarm, that most women have a huge leap between there 28 and 32 week appointment. Lots of it is water weight and weight gain will simmer down again. Jeeze louise.The doctor also said he was in the head down position. So again, where he needs to be. I love when I can trust what doctors are saying.

Baby is unbelievable active. I go out in public and hope that people dont get distracted by my moving belly - it is THAT noticeable. All he's doing right now really is getting heartier and bigger (as my weight gain will prove). Whenever I start thinking "baby why arent you moving??" he'll kick me in the lung or get the constant, suttle hiccups. There is a mysterious ticking noise that is coming from belly every once in a while and it is apparently a fluid bubble that is popping/displacing with his movements and position. Really odd, but not too uncommon I guess.From here on out I wont get as big non-baby wise, but he will be continuing to grow so he is going to become more restricted. I will have to rely more on the hiccups whenever I become nervous.

My appointments are now coming twice as fast. I have one is just under 2 weeks from now! Time is getting soooo much clooooser. Starting to get more nervous about the whole giving birth thing but excited for the next phase to begin.

I am looking for apartments right now. I found a couple amazing options in Ferndale that I am stalking. I want to nest and be comfortable so that when baby is here a) he has his own space and b) its just me and my little family...and cats. Love my kitties.

Week 32: Belly pics! Large and IN CHARGE!!

Again...another month - another belly pic. I wish I could write letters to my pre-week 16 body, and tell it how much I think it's sexy and how one day we should go and be good looking on a beach together. Or perhaps go shopping for something fitting and nice....at Victoria Secret or any other store that doesnt accomidate to pregnant people.

Here she is: Glorious week 32:

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16: 

Monday, June 13, 2011


A lot has happened this week. A lot of excitement.

To give you the quick baby update, he is going to be gaining at least 1/2-lb a week from here on out preparing for his conquerage of this world. At this point he has full functioning 5 senses, and his organs are functioning...minues the lungs. His lungs still need a bit of baking to be fully functioning themselves. He spends all his day in there kicking me. Which brings me to my next point...


The baby-q came and left in a big hurricane of excitment. Special thanks to Bianca and Steph for throwing an awesome shower. The games were so much fun. The one thing I wanted was a 'Decorate a Onesie' game, so I now have 20ish friend/family designed onsies which are ridiculously cute. I also need to thank my parents for getting NUMEROUS projects done on the house to get it fabulously presentable for the party, which included gluing burlap on the wall, painting a double heighth wall and putting natural stone on a double heighth fireplace - no big deal. Now that its over I feel like im on vacation, Im not running (wabbling) around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Its so strange to think that next week is my 8 month appt already! Another belly pic. Another full month closer to d-day.

All in all it was amazing being able to share things with my most special family and friends. Camden (the name we chose) recieved so many awesomely cute gifts and even I recieved some amazing gifts that will come in handy (lots of boob stuff....thanks Bev ;-)) I already put together some of the bigger things because I couldnt contain myself. I wish I had a baby to put in all them right now. Anybody have one I can babysit and put in all these cool new things?? Jeffie is not participating - in fact he is laying like a big black kitty sausage next to me on the couch, youd think he's enjoy a soothing musical swing...

 Such a cool swing...


 "I love Grandma most" You say??

 There are a variety of sizes too! From newborn on up...

 Peace sign from Bev and Haley, of course. Personalized Onesies....A TUXEDO!

 I did not realise I knew such talented artists!!!

 More cuteness...

Some of the more creative writings...of course from Steph, Sam and Seth.

Cant wait to start using all the new stuff! I may never have to buy a onesie.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 30: My (They referred to growth this week as a Yorkie Terrier....meh, i'll pass on that one)

Week 30!!

Baby growth wise nothing too exciting happens between this and last week when it comes to size. He is the same size but his brain has changed quite a bit. Now it has wrinkles and folds in it. Which is exciting. I guess he hangs out all day in there with his eyes wide open. I try giving him some excitement by putting my hands on and off my stomach - baby strobe light. He has been extremely active in there, but he is definintely putting pressure on some vital orgains of mine. I now rely on a body pillow to get comfortable at night.


The Babyque is this sunday. We are getting the house ready for all the company. Ive recieved quite a few RSVP's and quite a few non-rsvps, generally from the people you expect to be there. So it should be really fun :) Im starting to amass some baby things. I got 2 boxes full of baby clothes shipped from my Aunt and Uncle in Florida. Which is aaawesome. I have a feeling I'll be in a lot better shape after this Sunday. At lease when it comes to my nesting instincts. Ive been watching the show Hoarders a lot...so basically I have the urge to get rid of most my possessions.

I have a feeling next weeks post is going to be a lot more exciting :) With all the news from the showa!