Monday, February 28, 2011

16 Week Appt and First Belly Photos (My Potatoe)

 This week my pregnancy website said the baby is the size of a potatoe.

I had my pregnancy appointment today. Pregnancy so far is going extremely well. Nausea has ended (unless I dont eat periodically), I gained 3 pounds total so far, so not yet a fat cow - yet my boobs are now utters. Im pretty sure all 3 pounds went there.

Im going to Bellingham OBGYN. So far, so good. Its a large practice with multiple docs located across the street from St. Joes. They recommend you seeing all the Obstetricians so that you are familiar with the doc on call the day I do go into labor.

They gave me a goody bag of product endorsing pregnancy things. It still feels too soon to think of buying anything other than baby books. Which I have bought 3. 1 about the pregnancy, 1 about being a hot mom and the other about cool baby names.

I heard the heart beast for the first time. It was so surreal and it sounded strong and even. So really happy about that. Also the doc said my uterus is about to the bottom of my belly button, which i think you can see in the belly pics. I no longer can suck in my stomach because it has no where to go on the inside.

Oh! I forgot to mention symtoms or cravings, I have yet to go on the 'see-food' diet but I love anything healthy - fresh fruits, vegetable, celery, salad. Really dislikes sweets. Any my smell is exagerated so if something smells bad, it smells REALLY bad. If something tastes bad, it tastes REALLY bad. Like ashes.

My main symtom has been irratability. I lash out at bad drivers, generally the asian canadian kind. Mood swings, its getting better...but watch out. And im sorry if you are at the recieving end.

Also forgetfullness. They call it pregnancy brain. Cant remember where I set my key, my pants, my other sock, etc.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Maybe Ill put them in my bloggy-wog.

Pregnancy Survery

Name?: Tristen 
Age?: 22

About The Father
Name?: Michael 
Age?: 22
Are you still together?: Yes

About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: Early January
Was it planned?: haha! No
What was your first reaction?: Uh oh
Who was with you when you found out?: Just me, and Sophia because I was at work
Who was the first person you told?: My mom (of course)
How did your parents react?: My Mom giggled (as I was crying) and my dad asked if i was going to be alright, then gave me a hug.
How far along are you?: 16 weeks
What was your first symptom?: Huge boobs
What is your due date?: Aug. 14
Do you know the sex of the baby?: No
If so, what is it?:
Have you picked out names?: No clue
If so, what are they?:
How much weight have you gained?:3 pounds
Do you have stretch marks?: Not any that werent there before, and I moisturize heavily. Stretch, you skin, stretch.
Have you felt the baby move?: Negative
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes! Today and it was so nice.
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: As of right now natural
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: AAAAAAAHHH!
Will you breastfeed?: Heck yes
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: Not planned
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Im sure ill be crying the minute my water breaks
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: Hi
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: no, thats odd.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: excited for the next chapter, but scared.

10ish Week Sonogram

This was my first sonogram which actually occured around the time i found out. Yes, I stoically ignored all the signs (except the magnificent boobs part - how can you ignore those).

And so it begins...

So Ive started this blog and Im going to catch everyone up with how it is going thus far. Not planning a pregnancy, not expecting a pregnancy, not having a thought in your brain about producing a child leads to lots of procrastination in the baby department...

So Ill tell you how it all began...

No I wont, thats between me and Michael. I will tell you that I found out shortly after new years, about the time you come up with new years resolutions. As of today I have had my 16 week appt. Ive had one other appt before this, my potatoe is growing and a perfectly productive pace. 

"Potatoe" = I will explain:

Ive been addicted to 2 websites:

Both websites refer weekly to growth in the terms of food. My favorite week was 'Your baby is the size of a lemon.' All I could think of how amazing a lemon tastes/smells.

The next week 'Your baby is the size of a kitkat bar finger.' Really? REALLY?? Kitkat bars have always been amongst the grossest, and in pregnancy my body finds anything sweet highly repulsive, but old habits die hard. Ive always loved my sweets so I still accept (graciously) candy bars, and sweets but choose not to eat them so I put them in my purse. I now have an amazing collection of sweets in my purse that I occasionally feed to michael when my wallet no longer fits in there.

And guess what the baby is around 16 weeks? A potatoe. 

Well, Ill keep you updated when the urge occurs. Which will probably be around appointments. Or milestones.

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