Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 23: My Little Harry Potter (Book)

Apparently my favorite website has forgone the food references, and this week has referenced the baby with a Harry Potter book. According to the website the baby should be a pound and almost a foot long. My baby being pretty good size could be even bigger than that.

Im starting to look more and more pregnant, only in my belly though. So when I wear a coat or a sweatshirt it conceals it pretty well. Not saying I should wish to conceal it, not by any means, Im just saying that when I share the news Im pregnant with someone they are always like REALLY?? I need to start wearing spandex jumpsuits...if only my butt hasnt become chunky.

So baby! baby going to double in size within the next 4 weeks they say. Which isnt a lot. Because Im almost to my 6 months baby will be 2 lbs by my 7th month appointment? Hooray for fat production.

How am I doing? Well I cant even read my last week post. Im really tired all the time. I need a vacation. Somewhere with a beach.

Im meeting with my parents old real estate agent soon too. Going to talk about my options when it comes to buying a condo! Im not getting my hopes up there (surprisingly, for a girl who thrives on hope) but if she gives me goals and things I need to have together than I can be on track to owning my own place. Other than that, my hyper-hormonal self is all over the place riding the rollercoaster of emotions. About everything. Why cant all the troubles of the world stop for 9 months during pregnancy?

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