Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 21: My little bottle of Root Beer

Root Beer sounds really good about now...

Another week has gone by, I am not officially on the downward stretch of pregnancy! The first half is over. Nothing too exciting to report this week. I think it happens that way to balance out the excitement of last week. Ive made more hats! Ive even made Tyler a hat with ears. I love them all.

I also got my first baby gift! Bev Larsen came into my work and left me a little present. Something I always wanted...well since i discovered them a few weeks ago.Well I guess the blog is deciding to be difficult so I will try and post more pics at a different day.

Baby is really active, or maybe all 12 ounces of him are getting stronger because there is no denying he is nestled in my organs. Last week he was laying on his side, but I have a feeling he rotated because every little movement today was aimed at my bladder...which tickled immensely. A very odd feeling thats for sure. I think I kept an eye on the bathroom door at work the entire day, luckily I have a view of it from my desk.

Next week I officially hit the '5-month' mark. well at least its the 4 month before supposed due date mark.

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