Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 24: My 6 month Appt - My Ballpark Hot Dog

The doctors appointment was your standard quickie appointment. It was the first time they measured my belly - which was exciting. I really like the Doctor I met this time, she was very down to earth. She asked about movement and I told her that he is very active, as a matter of fact hewas moving right then and there. She made a comment that babies around this time are most active between 9 and 11 at night (I can definitely attest to that! At 10:30 he is practically vibrating in there.)When she put the heart monitor on my tummy...he kept kicking. You could hear it through the monitor. Hes so good.

About the Baby: This is an exciting week. Up to now hes grown to be about 1.33 pounds and this week alone he gains half a pound! I can believe it. I feel like he is stretching in there. This weeks baby's ears are completely formed, in their correct position and functioning. Ive been trying to talk out loud more and I turn the radio up a little louder in the car. The funny this is that Ive been listening to a lot of the Ben E. King station on Pandora. Baby is getting some oldies!

The doctor gave me a Glucose drink that looks like orange soda. Within the next couple weeks I need to drink it and within an hour get my blood drawn to check for Fetal Diabetes. I guess the exciting tests are going to come here soon. The month flies by so fast its hard to believe my next appt is my 7th month checkup!

Week 24: Belly Pics!

Well...see for yourself. Its amazing how much your body changes.

Ill just say, I felt big at 16 weeks. I feel large at 20 weeks...now...I dont know how to feel! Amazed at my 16 weeks body?
24 Weeks:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 23: My Little Harry Potter (Book)

Apparently my favorite website has forgone the food references, and this week has referenced the baby with a Harry Potter book. According to the website the baby should be a pound and almost a foot long. My baby being pretty good size could be even bigger than that.

Im starting to look more and more pregnant, only in my belly though. So when I wear a coat or a sweatshirt it conceals it pretty well. Not saying I should wish to conceal it, not by any means, Im just saying that when I share the news Im pregnant with someone they are always like REALLY?? I need to start wearing spandex jumpsuits...if only my butt hasnt become chunky.

So baby! baby baby....is going to double in size within the next 4 weeks they say. Which isnt a lot. Because Im almost to my 6 months appointment...so baby will be 2 lbs by my 7th month appointment? Hooray for fat production.

How am I doing? Well I cant even read my last week post. Im really tired all the time. I need a vacation. Somewhere with a beach.

Im meeting with my parents old real estate agent soon too. Going to talk about my options when it comes to buying a condo! Im not getting my hopes up there (surprisingly, for a girl who thrives on hope) but if she gives me goals and things I need to have together than I can be on track to owning my own place. Other than that, my hyper-hormonal self is all over the place riding the rollercoaster of emotions. About everything. Why cant all the troubles of the world stop for 9 months during pregnancy?

Monday, April 11, 2011


Lacey texted me a couple days ago and said to look out for a package. I had no clue what to expect!

So here is what they were. For my records I am going to type here what her note says:

'Hey Girl, 
It kinda hit me that youre atually having a kid when you told me your having a boy! Now when I go places I'm going "How cute is this for Tristen's little boy." So I saw these and totally thought of me and you and our converse. AHHHH! I just had to get them. You are going to be such an amazing mom! Tell that little man of yours that these are from Aunt Lacey! I miss you tons & hope to see you soon! <3 Lacey'

I let out a little scream of happiness when I realized what they were. Lacey and I went to school in London together and were a very dangerous duo with our cool converse in various colors!


First Gift!

Here is the lovely gift from Bev Larsen.The pics are finally working!

Week 22: My PACK of Oreos

This wasn't necessarily a big week for baby changes, though I can now officially not fit into my work pants at all. Ive lost my ability to fit into my dresses, now Ive lost the ability to fit into my baggiest pair of slacks. Today im holding it all together with a hairband...but its not working out as well as I hoped.

Baby wise this week his little fingies are getting strong! Lots of exploration of his face and opening and closing his little fists. Baby is almost a pound and his hair has developed to be a tuft of white white hair. Rock on. My fav pregnancy site says the baby is as long as a PACK of oreos. Thats funny.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 21: My little bottle of Root Beer

Root Beer sounds really good about now...

Another week has gone by, I am not officially on the downward stretch of pregnancy! The first half is over. Nothing too exciting to report this week. I think it happens that way to balance out the excitement of last week. Ive made more hats! Ive even made Tyler a hat with ears. I love them all.

I also got my first baby gift! Bev Larsen came into my work and left me a little present. Something I always wanted...well since i discovered them a few weeks ago.Well I guess the blog is deciding to be difficult so I will try and post more pics at a different day.

Baby is really active, or maybe all 12 ounces of him are getting stronger because there is no denying he is nestled in my organs. Last week he was laying on his side, but I have a feeling he rotated because every little movement today was aimed at my bladder...which tickled immensely. A very odd feeling thats for sure. I think I kept an eye on the bathroom door at work the entire day, luckily I have a view of it from my desk.

Next week I officially hit the '5-month' mark. well at least its the 4 month before supposed due date mark.