Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 29: My Loaf of Bread!


I have never felt this pregnant IN MY LIFE! Which isnt saying much, I know. This morning I went to a networking group meeting and one of the members of the group was like 'I know I havent seen you in a while, but WHOA! You got a bump.' Yes, I have a huge bump, no doubt now. Though. I would like to say that making it to 7 months without being massively pregnant is pretty darn good.

I have the pregnancy waddle down. Slight swelling every once in a while, mainly in my feet. HOLY HEARTBURN, BATMAN! I thought it was bad before, its unbearable now.

What baby is up to? One boy dance party going on in my womb at all times! But its no longer anywhere near the sweet little pulse kicks, its full on steamroller and you can SEE it occuring. The fun/cool new developement is how he is getting bigger at a faster rate than I am so not only can I feel him move, when I touch my stomach I can feel him through my skin. A firm mass of awesome baby. Today was the first day I could identify hiccuping. It feels like a pulse. I call him 'the creature' because of how big and active he is getting in there. Which makes me more and more excited to see him...

Developement wise they say he is at the 3 lb 15 inch mark. I dont remember what he was at last week according to my website, but I bet he is even a little bigger than what the site says he should be. His brain now controls his breathing and blood temperature, which is way way nice. I know he is happy and healthy in there but I still worry for him so it is heartening knowing that if he was born TODAY he has a 9 out of 10 chance of surviving. Good odds, though I doubt he has any interest leaving the comfort of me any time soon judging my how comfortable he makes himself all the time.

THE WORLDS BEST STROLLER!! Oh my goodness, I thought I was ridiculously excited about my car seat...but that was before Grandma Jean (she sounds kinda southern with her title connected to her name) told me she found me the ultimate present/stroller. The heavens opened and the clouds parted. Take a look at this:

untz untz untz untz...My baby is going to be riding is STYLE! Its nice too because it has one hand take down/set up too. It compacts itself very well and the wheels can even easily come off for even smaller storage. So awesome. I had to stop myself from sitting in it multiple times, my brain and my body are cleary not on the same pages.

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