Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 29: My Loaf of Bread!


I have never felt this pregnant IN MY LIFE! Which isnt saying much, I know. This morning I went to a networking group meeting and one of the members of the group was like 'I know I havent seen you in a while, but WHOA! You got a bump.' Yes, I have a huge bump, no doubt now. Though. I would like to say that making it to 7 months without being massively pregnant is pretty darn good.

I have the pregnancy waddle down. Slight swelling every once in a while, mainly in my feet. HOLY HEARTBURN, BATMAN! I thought it was bad before, its unbearable now.

What baby is up to? One boy dance party going on in my womb at all times! But its no longer anywhere near the sweet little pulse kicks, its full on steamroller and you can SEE it occuring. The fun/cool new developement is how he is getting bigger at a faster rate than I am so not only can I feel him move, when I touch my stomach I can feel him through my skin. A firm mass of awesome baby. Today was the first day I could identify hiccuping. It feels like a pulse. I call him 'the creature' because of how big and active he is getting in there. Which makes me more and more excited to see him...

Developement wise they say he is at the 3 lb 15 inch mark. I dont remember what he was at last week according to my website, but I bet he is even a little bigger than what the site says he should be. His brain now controls his breathing and blood temperature, which is way way nice. I know he is happy and healthy in there but I still worry for him so it is heartening knowing that if he was born TODAY he has a 9 out of 10 chance of surviving. Good odds, though I doubt he has any interest leaving the comfort of me any time soon judging my how comfortable he makes himself all the time.

THE WORLDS BEST STROLLER!! Oh my goodness, I thought I was ridiculously excited about my car seat...but that was before Grandma Jean (she sounds kinda southern with her title connected to her name) told me she found me the ultimate present/stroller. The heavens opened and the clouds parted. Take a look at this:

untz untz untz untz...My baby is going to be riding is STYLE! Its nice too because it has one hand take down/set up too. It compacts itself very well and the wheels can even easily come off for even smaller storage. So awesome. I had to stop myself from sitting in it multiple times, my brain and my body are cleary not on the same pages.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 28: My 7th Month Appt: My Cinnamon-Sugar Churro

This morning was my 7th month/28 weeks checkup. Before this appointment occured they gave me a mini pop bottle of a concentrated glucose drink (think sugary orange soda) which I had to drink. An hour after take a blood test that tested for infant diabetes/prenatal diabetes and iron. Well....passed both with flying colors. I never really had any doubt but it still feels good knowing that things are coming right along.

The actual appointment was as short and normal as possible. The doc I had was one that isnt really a sharer. By that I mean she does the measurements, listens to the heart beat but doesnt tell me what the conclusions are. Shes nice enough but happens to be my least favorite doc so far and they keep scheduling me with her...so I think its about time to switch and say loud and clear its time to see some of the other docs like the original plan.

Other than that I gained 3-4 lbs this time versus the 7-8 lbs of the past couple months. I dont feel chubby anymore at all, just pregnant. Still no stretch marks, because of the moisturizing routine, but my skin is stretching which apparently translates to itchy. So if you are looking at my 28 week belly picture the red marks, if you can see them, are from me scratching. Back and pelvis are starting to become sore, I asked the doc about it and she said its from the tendons and ligaments stretching and bones adjusting. She also said the baby was sitting breech and since she isnt a talker she decided not to elaborate - which isnt a big deal since I know what it means and she says that since I still have a couple months left its not a big deal yet. I really need a different doctor.

oh baby baby!

He is now 15 inches long and almost 3 pounds! I believe it because he is definitely throwing that weight around. The doctor gave me info on tracking movements (I dont think she understood when I said he was really active and Im definitely not worried about it) to make sure i get 10 movements in a 2 hour period...yeah I get 10 movements in a 5 minute period.  Now I feel them in the morning too when Im laying in bed...maybe thats why I've been waking up early, hes waking me up (in a nice way).

Other than that developement this week is eye based. He now has an eye color, though its not set in stone till month 9 of his life. If you think about it though, Mom has blue eyes and Dad has really blue eyes. So....Im putting my money on blue. I am now taking bets on hair color though. Dad has brown, I now have reddish blonde and most my life I was blonde. This week REM starts during his sleep cycles and his eyes can now partially open. Woohoo he can now see the womb...and more womb.

My RSVPs are beginning to trickle in for my baby shower! :) Its on June 12th so Ill update before then as well.

Week 28: Belly Pics!

Another month, another belly pic. Take a look. I dont think it will ever get old seeing my body morph...every month I am more amazed at whats going on. My belly button....enough said.

Week 28:

Week 24:

Week 20:

Week 16:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 27: My Roast

3D Pregnancy told me my baby is the size of a Roast this week - very fitting.

I got to see Lacey over the weekend! I was so happy to see her that when I got there and she was like 'Look around the corner!' I didnt know what to expect. A MINI BABY SHOWER!!It was amazing. Lacey is one of my BEST friends and her, her amazing mom, Stacee (who just moved to Wa) and Kacie really did something amazing for me and made me feel so special. So now Im loaded up with the cutest onesies, blankets, wash rags, baby safety kits, and SO MUCH MORE! Im going to have to get her to send me the pics so I can post them on here. Those ladies are so amazing and I am so happy that they are in my life even if they are in TEXAS!

My body wise. I feel HUGE. Its not just size wise, but I feel it in my bones. Mainly my lower back and hips. I get out and go for at least a walk everyday but at night as soon as I rest I am down for the count...and he kicks me the entire time. Out of love, Im sure.

My belly is a basketball. Shalyn (my pregnancy buddy) today was like 'try to find your ribs'...I couldnt. Its such a strange feeling to not be able to suck in your stomach, and to not be able to feel your ribs. The good thing about it is how clear it is that there is someone growing in there...

His developement: If he were born today he has around an 85% chance of surviving. Its a nice thought just to know that we are getting closer and closer to safety and my mommy instincts love that. He is 14.5 inches long and 2 lbs so hes getting there. Now bring on some more! The only other notable thing is that if your baby is a boy (affirmative) his testes drop this week. Make momma proud.

MY BABY-Q INVITES!!! Have gone out in the mail thanks to the amazing Steph and Bianca. I sent them to people near and far. So if you havent gotten one maybe I didnt get your address right. June 12th is the date at my parents house. Its a man friendly event so feel free to bring your significant other or whatever. Its more barbeque than traditional baby shower.

Next TUESDAY is my 7 month checkup. Prepare yourself for some of this amazing body.

P.s. Ive upped my game on the Bio-Oil application. So no stretch marks :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 26: My Little Burp Cloth? (Yeah...thats kinda strange)

Week 26! Time is flying! I can hardly believe it, other than the belly getting nice and round.

Mothers Day was yesterday and it still doesnt seem quite real that I am a mother. Its nice to know its a pretty celebrated day. Flower stores were so crazy and everyone was thinking about their moms. I got my mom a Grandma card :) hehehe....

Pregnancy this week: He is so active! Its no longer is just a little kick I feel on the inside. My whole belly moves like the ocean and its always more intense in the evening so I watch 'The Baby Show' which is just my belly morphing and pulsing.

Baby developement. Ive heard some websites say he's 2 pounds, some say he's less. He is 14 inches long from head to heel. My fav go-to pregnancy site is getting less and less creative and informative because for the most part developement is finished, now its just growing. This week according to the site the baby's retinas are done developing and his lungs are developed to the point where they could possibly function on their own out of the womb right now. Which is nice to know. Being pregnant you always worry that everything is going ok, and baby is happy and healthy in there so now I know he is pretty darn developed and the kicks always help as well. But they are only 2 lb baby kicks! I cant imagine what they are going to be like when he is 4, 6 and 8 POUNDS!! My bones are becoming sore. The extra weight on your joints is definitely taxing. My belly is stretched pretty firm, if i get up weird, or stretch oddly it feels almost like a side ache in your belly area.

My baby dream:
So this weekend I ate some skittles, drank powerade and went to bed. I dreamt that I had the baby right now at 26 weeks, but he was the size and activeness of a 4 month old and I was trying to breastfeed him because it was the first and foremost thing I had to do! Well one of my boobs wasnt even working, and by the time I figured things out he changed into a little black frisky kitten that I was trying to keep Luna (my cat) away from.

I dont have baby dreams often, but when I do they are pretty awesome :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A couple things I cant hold back...

Yesterday...for the first time in my pregnancy...a stranger asked when I was due!!! So I officially have the pregnancy body. Which feels like a right of passage. Thats right...thats my baby. In there.

I took a tour of St. Joes Chilbirth Center. It just makes it all feel very real and VERY scary. Though, I have to say they have very nice pregnancy digs. All the rooms are private and each of the rooms has an extra bed for your support person. They really cater to each individual mother. It was also nice to go through the entire chilbirth process and what to expect.


From the day I found out Recaro made babyseats I wanted one - to match the seats in my car. The day has finally come and I BOUGHT ONE! WOOOHOOOO! No, Im not going to strap it in my car right now....though I would totally do that. 3 months is a little unexcusable. 

Jeffie definitely approved of the color. Hes my big black baby.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 25: MY BIRTHDAY!!

So...TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!! Its strange how life goes on the back burner when a baby comes into the picture. Im so focused on August and whats going on inside that my birthday just roared up on me! Its the big 2-3!! How my life has been going I never imagined myself to be pregnant and 23, but hey! get the party started.

BABY WISE!! This week has been so interesting this far. Ive noticed that the swelling has picked up. Nothing too terrible, but I notice it in my feet mainly and sometimes my hands. He is making such strong movements TODAY that he was moving my entire belly. I just sat back and enjoyed the show. My mom suggested I start taking weekly pictures because I guess Im just expanding by the minute. I dont "feel" big though, I had lower self-esteem prepregnancy.

A couple days ago I was driving and generally up to now the movements have been like pulses that are getting stronger but I could feel him drag along the inside of my belly! It was so odd. It makes more sense now that I read about this week of developement though, this is the week where they gain completely developement of their HANDS. Which they use for exploration.

They also say at this time they are the PROPORTION the are going to be at birth, so if he has a big head now (compared to his body) he will have it at birth. His capillaries are now forming under his skin so he is no longer a translucent ghost baby, there is some pink hue to his skin. Baby weighs 1.5lbs plus and is 13.5 inches long!! Jeeze louise....but if you can see my belly...youd believe it.