Monday, March 14, 2011

Pickle: Pregnancy So Far: Hats Hats Hats

So the last major update was 16 weeks. So now that I am 18 week (*gasp*) It's time for another update.The baby is the size of a PICKLE, according to my fav website. Which translates to 5-7 ounces and 5-1/2" Long! My goodness. Also this week I have begun to feel movements! Nothin too insane, its calles 'fluttering' which means the baby is makin waves in there. Its pretty weird feeling. Also the baby's bones are hardening so maybe that means i will start looking pregnant. instead of becoming funny shaped.

Yes...I dont look pregnant to the untrained eye yet. Michael and I were talking about it the other day and my body is just changing shape right now. Nothing round, nothing pregnant like, its just morphing right now.

My workout! Yes! My goal is to get to the gym 3 times a week! Last week was my first successful 3-time week. Im not doing anything too stressful, dont do anything more than a walk. No more than 20 minutes of cardio and light weight training/lifting. Working my legs, bum (i dont want a chunky bum EVER), arms and back. Lots of stretching. They say if you keep active and your metabolism stays high, then the babies body will mimic that. So they cant blame me for causing them to be fat :)

Cravings! FOOD! All food. My picky eating days have left it seemed. The only deterent of food is if it takes to long to make. I want food..NOW. I went to the store to buy a salad...and bought more macaroni AND a salad. I could eat and eat and eat and eat. But I dont. If I have a sweet tooth, I generally grab a Dole Popsicle. Way healthy. I dont do fast food. I dont eat the MSG filled food. So I may want to eat all the time, and my serving sizes have naturally gotten bigger but Im not packing on the pounds by any mean. The only growth is still in the boobs and baby area. Good times.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant. All I could think was...I want to crochet!!! HATS! WITH EARS!

I had a few obstacles though. I hadnt crocheted anything since high school, and the most complex thing I ever tried was a scarf.

CHECK THEM OUT!! If you know of anyone who has a baby or is going ot have a baby let me know and Ill make them a hat. I find out in 2 weeks the sex of the baby, so my hats are generic colored at the moment righ tnow.

This is my first hat!! Working my way to the ears stage! (Had to figure out how to do ears first)

I have mixed feelings about this had. I bet it looks super cute on a little baby head...but doesnt anything look cute on a baby's head?? even a sock probably looks adorable on a baby's head.

EARS EARS EARS!! i absolutely love how it turned out and want to make 50 more. So PLEASE if you know of anyone who could use one of these. Let me know :)

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